Another Great Start for First Grade

Mrs. Maschmann ‘s first grade students are off to a great start. We have been going over rules and procedures. We have also made zebras to display in the hall to go with our theme of “Wild About Learning.” We look forward to a great year of learning!

Goofy Faces
Goofy Faces

A Competitive “Techy” Introduction

Fifth grade students in Mrs. Ruhnke’s class used to get to know their new teacher.  This program places students into teams and they work together to answer questions.  The winning team is the first team to answer all the questions correctly in the shortest amount of time.  

Common Sense Media Essential Creativity Guide

Link to Common Sense Media Essential Creativity Guide

Kids are naturally creative. Whether they’re using pen and paper or a stylus and an iPad, kids find surprising ways to build, craft, and design. Help foster their interest in art, science, music, and construction by offering them a variety of tools to inspire and delight. These hand-selected educational apps, games, and websites each have the potential to unleash creativity, especially with the support of a parent or teacher. Have fun!


Escape Summer Slump with the 4 Cs

Link to Article 

Common Sense Education

…While students are getting excited about their summer freedom, some parents and teachers might be worried about kids forgetting all they’ve learned during the school year.

This loss of academic skills over the summer months is what teachers refer to as “summer slide.” Some studies have shown kids can lose nearly two months of grade-level equivalency in reading and math over the summer break. Think about it: The brain is a muscle, and if you don’t use it, you can lose it!

But remember, though kids are taking a break from school, they can still keep learning. One way is for them to be enriched by pursuing activities that promote the 4 Cs: communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Media and technology can help kids build these skills, and summer is a great time for this kind of exploration.

We’ve put together a great list of apps, games, and websites that help kids build the 4 Cs, perfect for undercover summer learning. Share this list with your students’ parents so they can beat the summer slide!


Help kids express their opinions and emotions and connect with others with tools for video talks, podcasts, and storytelling.

TED/TED-Ed: Easily find, download, and view inspiring talks on a variety of topics

Youth Radio: A stellar take on the news from diverse kid journalists

Shadow Puppet Edu: Resource-rich video slide show creator a gem for elementary classrooms

Toontastic: Writer, actor, director: Kids play all parts in riveting storytelling tool



Kids can work together and take on the role of producer as they make multimedia productions.

Explain Everything: Powerhouse tool for creating stellar multimedia presentations

Educreations: Enliven lessons and presentations with easy-to-use tool

VoiceThread: Easily collaborate and create with voice, video, or image

Wikispaces: Powerful tool for creating collaborative websites



Give kids the space to use their devices to become artists, musicians, or designers.

Paper by FiftyThree: Beautifully designed digital sketchbook for any age

Canva: Create snazzy designs in seconds with flexible, cloud-based tool

GarageBand: Amazingly powerful music workstation unleashes the musician in us all

DIY/Instructables: DIY communities empower kids to design, build, and share new things offline and online


Critical Thinking

Encourage strategy, ingenuity, and sharing of ideas with open-ended digital-creation tools.

Tinkercad: Amazingly simple yet powerful and flexible online CAD tool

MIT App Inventor: Fun programming site gets kids to build their own mobile apps

Scratch: Jump-start future programmers with adaptive sandbox tool

Minecraft: Spiraling sandbox of adventure and creation gets kids to dig deep

Mommy Spa Day

To celebrate Mother’s Day, Mrs. Lucking’s class hosted a Mommy Spa day.  It was our special way of pampering the moms and grandmas we love so much.  It was so much fun and each kinder had an AMAZING time helping their special guest relax.

As guests arrived, they found their lipstick appointments and went to their first station.
This was the massage/facial station.  Students started with applying a little face cream and added cooling cucumbers to the eye lids.  After completing a little face massage (we even talked about massaging the temples), guests received a back massage.  Students loved using the long back scratchers and toy cars to give a wonderful massage.
Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 3.25.08 PM
The manicure station included filing fingernails and a fresh coat  of polish.
At the hair styling/moisturizing station, students could pick from an array of clips, barrettes, and ponytail holders to add to their guests’ hair.  After hair styling was complete, students massaged their guests’ hands with lotion and finished the station with a light mist of body spray.
During together time, students completed a mommy and me printable and used some fun props for the photo booth.
After all appointments were complete, the afternoon ended with punch, cookies and cucumber sandwiches.


This afternoon turned out to be a truly memorable and special time for all students to celebrate that special mom/grandma in their life.

Junior High Girls Track

We had 22 seventh grade girls and 12 eighth grade girls participating in track this season.  The girls improved so much throughout the year.  We recognized improvements after each track meet as well as the girls who placed in events.  To date, we have had 117 improved marks!  We have had two seventh grade records broken and one eighth grade record tied.  Ellie Ohlde broke the pole vault record with a vault of 8’3” and Mikwena Lierman broke her sister’s 1600 record with a time of 5:45.49.  Claire Shumard tied the 8th grade pole vault record of 7’6”.

The girls have competed well in the track meets with team finishes as follows.
Thayer Central Invitational (combined grades) : 3rd
Thayer Central Triangular: 7th graders – 1st and 8th graders – 1st (tied with Crete)
Aurora Invitational : 7th graders – 2nd and 8th graders –  3rd
Fairbury Invitational: 7th graders – 1st and 8th graders – 1st

We also participated in a dual with Beatrice, but no team scores were kept.  The Crete quad was cancelled due to weather.  We will concluded our season with the Beatrice Invitational on May 6.

Some individuals may have an opportunity to participate in the Nebraska State Junior High Track meet in Gothenburg on May 14.  The top 24 individual performances and top 16 relays as of May 5 will be invited to participate.  Go Jeffs!

Distance Learning Takes Students to Higher Places

The 4th Graders had their last long distance learning class for the year.  Dave, the Science Guy from ESU 5, came out in-person to visit the 4th graders.  All three classes had the opportunity to make a marshmallow structure with toothpicks and marshmallows.  They had about 20 minutes to construct their structure.  The student with the highest structure measured 13 1/2 inches.  The 4th graders really enjoy having Dave come and visit.

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