Students Compete at Skills USA

Students from Fairbury High School competed at the SkillsUSA State Leadership Conference March 30-April 1st. There were many students from all over the state of Nebraska competing.  This year was the first year that the state leadership conference was held in Grand Island, Nebraska at Fonner Park.

SkillsUSA is a national organization for students in career and technical education.  The goal of SkillsUSA is to replenish the workforce in America with skilled laborers and to help companies find quality people to fill the ever growing demand for industrial technical jobs.

Students that competed were Blake Bauer, Tanner Novotny, Dalton Buxton, Devon Trimm, Reed Williams, Zachary Holes, Jessa Eden, Madison Gregory, and Tayler Shellhase.

Fairbury finished in first place with Tanner Novotny and Dalton Buxton in Drone Technology.  Students were judged on how they flew the drone through an obstacle course, along with adding information to a notebook. That was worth over 700 points.  The boys had to come up with many things in the notebook including a paragraph on how drones will be used more and more in the future.    Tanner and Dalton finished first out of around 20 teams and received gold medals.
FHS also had two students complete in cosmetology, Jessa Eden and Madison Gregory.   The competition was fierce and Madison came up with a first place win in the state of Nebraska.  She will represent the state of Nebraska in Louisville Kentucky in June 19th-23rd.  There she will go up against students from many different states.   Good job to both of you!
An email will be coming from the state so students can see feedback on the judges comments.

2017 Speech Team Has Great Season

The Fairbury Speech team had a great 2017 season! The speech team ended up with 43 medals total, which was 12 more than last year. The following participated in speech this year.

Garret Ragland
Bethany Klaumann
Althea Esteller
Britney Scheetz
Michaela Buchli
Nichole Harris
Jayson Klaumann
Taylea Mills
Dakota Gladson
Lauren Patton

We look forward to continuing the success we had this year, and look to add more Fairbury Jeffs to the team! I want to thank all the parents, administration, and kids for participating in this great activity.


Congratulations to Fairbury’s Division II Reading Classics Team!  The team of Aldo Ramos, Eliza Kroeker, Casidy Sipek, Cora Tatro, and Ellie Tucker competed Saturday March 25 at the State Competition here in Fairbury. They competed against nine other teams in the semi-final round, which was consisted of three 10 question rounds. They were four points ahead of their nearest competitors to win the semi finals and move on to the buzzer round. The buzzer round if a 15 question round with the team with the most points at the end of the 15 questions declared the winner. It was a close score of 5 to 4 with Fairbury maintaining a steady lead over the Beatrice team. These students have worked hard as a team to read all 75 books on their list. Congratulations team. WE ARE PROUD OF YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT!

What Did the Bird Do When He Got Scared?

Geometry students in Mrs. Julie Petersen’s class built vocabulary words today.  Polyhedrons are constructed with faces, edges and vertices.  Our clay and toothpicks were a little messy, but a lot creative.  In the pictures you can see tetrahedrons, pentahedrons, hexahedrons, heptahedrons and octahedrons.  Most examples include two models of each polyhedron.

Inductive reasoning allows us to look at the data, find a pattern and make a generalization about that pattern.  Students put their heads together to discover Euler’s Formula:  V + F – E = 2.  That is read “vertices plus faces minus edges equals 2”.  Building was fun!  Thinking was hard.  It’s easier to Google a formula, but today they were responsible for their own discovery.  Add these experiences together and long-term memory is the winner!

Here is our riddle for the day:  “What did the bird do when he got scared?  Poly he’d run!”  (Get it?  Polyhedron!)

Preschool Students Learn About Police Transportation

The preschoolers in Miss Talbot’s class have been learning about transportation, and today was police car. Chief of Police Chad Sprunk was able to come to our school today to show the preschoolers the ins and outs of his transportation vehicle-a police car! We learned about the kinds of gear and equipment that he carries in his police car and how he uses it to keep all of us safe. At the end of his visit, the preschoolers even got to hear the sirens and see the flashing lights.​

Congratulations Isaac Robertson!

Congratulations to Isaac Robertson who was selected to participate in the Nebraska Ambassadors of Music Tour to Europe this June! He will be visiting seven different countries, as well as taking an extended tour of Greece. Students from schools all across Nebraska are nominated for this tour. Isaac will take part in the band playing the trumpet, as well as singing in the choir. Students will be performing in each country and singing in various European cathedrals. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will provide a great educational experience for Isaac! Isaac is raising money to support his trip to Europe this summer in June selling Heritage Falls candles! If you are interested in supporting his trip, please contact Isaac or send me an email and we can get you more details. I’m so proud of Isaac for representing Fairbury in this awesome opportunity!

FHS Standards Math Class Rolls the Dice

FHS students in Mrs. Julie Petersen’s Standards Math class calculate the probability of events.  First they determined the theoretical probability and then completed trials for an experimental probability.  Flip a coin, roll the dice and draw a card.  Upon completion of the lab, a student was overheard saying, “This class goes fast while we are busy experiencing math.”  Another student was surprised to learn how rare some probabilities are, such as drawing a four out of a deck of cards compared to spinning a coin to land heads up.


Nebraska State Patrol Visits Mr. Scott’s Driver’s Education Class

On March 20th, the Nebraska State Patrol visited Mr. Scott’s Driver’s Education class.  Officer Charlie Cook and Officer Tim Pickering spoke to the class about the importance of wearing seat belts, not being distracted by cell phones and by saying no to drinking and driving.    Students got to experience what a head on collision would be like at say 3-5 mph by sitting is a crash simulator while buckled up.  The students also got to test the drunk goggles to simulate what it would be like to drive while under the influence.  The purpose of the entire evening was to help students to be safe drivers.  Officers also showed the class some videos and crash pictures to make students more aware of how the choices they make can impact them for the rest of their lives.  Thank you to the Nebraska State Patrol for putting on a great demonstration.

3rd and 4th Grade Students Compete in District Reading Classics Competition

On Monday, March 20th, the 3rd and 4th graders of Fairbury Public Schools competed in a district competition with Tri County and Meridian.  After 5 rounds of ten questions the winners were announced.  Meridian 1st; Fairbury 2nd & 3rd, and Tri County 4th & 5th.

This students worked hard reading all of their books, and we are very proud of their dedication!

Team A 3rd Place
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