Fairbury Beef Month

March has been dubbed “Fairbury Beef Month” at Fairbury Public Schools!  Due to the generous beef donations from Rich & Kitty DeBoer and Mark & Lori DeBoer and the money donations from the Fairbury Chamber of Commerce and Sharon and Jerry Ebke to help cover the cost of processing, we are finally able to kick-off our Farm 2 School program!!  On Tuesday, March 6, 2018 marked our first student lunch using 100%, locally raised beef!  Students and staff enjoyed hamburgers and potato salad/baked beans.  We will be serving Fairbury raised beef each Tuesday during the month of March.  The menu items will be Hamburgers, Beef and Noodles, Tacos and Roast.

Our dream began over a year ago to be able to serve locally raised products in our lunch program.  We held informational meetings where local producers came and learned how we can partner with them to serve their products to our students.  Our goal would be to serve locally produced meats twice a week each for week of the school year!

Children’s Author, Carmen Agra Deedy Visits FPS

You may have heard your student talking about the children’s author Carmen Agra Deedy in recent weeks. Ms. Deedy, a Georgia resident, originally from Cuba, visited Fairbury Schools on Wednesday, March 14th and presented a PTA sponsored program for all elementary students. Ms. Deedy is an internationally known author and storyteller.  You may find out more information about her on her website:


National FFA Week 2018

Each year, FFA chapters around the country celebrate National FFA Week.  The week-long tradition began in 1947 when the National FFA Board of Directors designated the week of George Washington’s birthday as National FFA Week in recognition of his legacy as an agriculturist and farmer. The first National FFA Week was held in 1948. Today, FFA Week always runs Saturday to Saturday and encompasses Feb. 22, Washington’s birthday.  The Fairbury FFA Chapter celebrated this week in a fashionable and fun way.  

The week started out on Sunday the 18th with our annual FFA Prize Auction.  Members received the amount of money they sold for fruit sales in monopoly money and were able to purchase all sorts of cool prizes in an auction setting.  Mr. Dennis Kenning came in to auctioneer various items off like stocking hats, work gloves, hunting gloves, popcorn, cheese, beef sticks, slippers, and other awesome items.  

Each day then there was a specific theme for the staff and students of the high school to show their FFA pride.  The theme for Monday was America Day as students were able to dress in their best American pride clothing.  Tuesday’s theme was FFA/Farm Shirt day as FFA members dressed in their grey and golden FFA shirts and the rest of the school wore their favorite farm shirt.  Wednesday’s theme was blue and gold/official dress day as FFA members dressed in official dress and were served pizza for lunch.  The rest of the school wore their best blue and gold clothing to represent the colors of FFA, which are National Blue and Corn Gold.  Thursday’s theme was redneck day as students dressed in redneck apparel for the day.  This was also the day for the annual FFA Ag Olympics convocation.

FFA members entertained the student body with multiple activities throughout the afternoon.  The first event of the day was Hungry Horse.  Six teams of two competed where balloons (the Feed) were in the middle of the court and each team had a scooter and a laundry basket to get all their feed in.  One team member was belly down on the scooter and one team member was pushing the feet of the other member (the horse.) The team who collected the most feed (balloons) in their basket won.  

The second event was with six competitors and they matched up to see who made the best donkey noises and the third event was the egg roulette competition where six individuals competed against each other by hitting eggs over their head.  Each dozen of eggs had ten hard-boiled eggs in them and 2 raw eggs.  The first person to crack a raw egg over their opponents head lost and did not move onto the next round.  

The fourth event was FFA Trivia.  Students were chosen at random to see who knew different questions about the National FFA Organization.  

The fifth event of the day was the Hay Bale Relay where a team of four competed to claim the prize of best straw bale hauling team.  

The sixth event was some farm jokes for the student body and the seventh event was the pig herding contest.  Six competitors were dressed up in overalls, farm hats, and also a pig herding panel.  Each competitor had to take their panel and try to herd the white balloons (the pigs)  into the designated barn in the corners of the gym.  Each competitor had two minutes to get as many pigs (balloons) into their barn as possible.  

The eighth event of the day was name that country song where six individuals competed to name an older or current country song.  A small part of the song was played and the first person to write down the correct answer was the winner.  

The ninth and final event of the 2018 Ag Olympics was the cow pie eating contest.  Each of the six contestants had to eat a cowpie (chocolate pudding) on their plate with only their hands mouth.  The catch to the contest was each member wore a nylon stocking over their head to eat their chocolatey cow pie.  This was a very fun but messy way to end the 2018 Agricultural Olympics.  

Friday’s theme was Jeff Pride day as students wore their best crimson and gold apparel for the day.  The teacher’s appreciation breakfast was scheduled for Thursday morning but due to a late start we had to push our breakfast to Monday morning.  

This was the day that the FFA members cooked breakfast for all of the teachers and staff of the Fairbury Public School District and also for any FFA Alumni/supporter.  Members of the FFA started cooking breakfast at 5:00am in the Ag Shop and fed over 60 people throughout the morning.  This is an annual tradition for the Fairbury FFA Chapter that the members enjoy doing because it helps them remember that being of service to others is the main focus of the National FFA Organization.  

February 18th through the 26th was a very busy week for the Fairbury FFA members but all of them enjoyed the fun activities and experiences of the week.  

Sing Around Nebraska

For the past two months, a select group of 5th and 6th grade students representing Jefferson Intermediate have been meeting twice a week to prepare for the annual NCDA Sing Around Nebraska (SAN) Festival. SAN is a powerful choral opportunity for students in grades 4, 5, & 6 which fosters the love of singing! In February of even-numbered years, there is a Festival Choir (non-auditioned) held at 10 or more sites around Nebraska. During the fall of even-numbered years, there is an honor choir (auditioned), usually held at a site in Lincoln, NE for 5th and 6th graders.
Due to the weather, they have moved our Sing Around Nebraska event to Saturday, February 17.   We will travel to Central City, NE and perform in their beautiful Performing Arts Center. Students will spend the day working with clinician and local music educator, Mrs. Celeste Ditter. Our students will join 140 other 5th and 6th graders from around the area to create a collaborative program which will be shared with the public at 4:00pm that afternoon. Tickets are $3/adult or free/12&under. Doors open at 3:30pm. The program will be 30-45 minutes.
Please congratulate the following students on their achievement and hard work!
Kemper Ambrose
Izzy Ausk
Lilly Ausk
Regan Kapke
Landon McBride
Toby Julin-McCleary
Samantha Starr
Morgan Stewart
Brook Tatro
Quintin Vculek

Can you spell C-H-A-M-P-I-O-N

On Monday, February 5, 2018, FHS JH students traveled to Diller, Nebraska for the Jefferson County Spelling Bee. Other schools attending were Diller-Odell, Tri-County, Meridian and St. Paul’s Lutheran School. Each school brought ten students. Participating for Fairbury were 8th graders Caleb Trimm, Alissa York, Zane Grizzle, Marlaney Deras, Brigham Scheetz, Grason Cundiff, and Aly Kuzelka. 7th graders were Hannah Robertson, Brant Gillham and Beckett Chappell. Placing in the top ten were Brigham Scheetz 10th, Zane Grizzle 8th, Alissa York 7th, Aly Kuzelka 5th and 1st place Caleb Trimm! Caleb qualified for the Omaha World-Herald Midwest Spelling Bee in Omaha on March 17th.

Fairbury FFA Competes in District Leadership Development Events Contests

By Jordan Ruhnke Fairbury FFA Reporter

On January 17, the Fairbury FFA had 17 members attend and compete at the District 5 Leadership Development Event (LDE) in York at the Holthus Center. The members included Taylor Runge, Kaylee Sipek, Jordan Ruhnke, Sara Huss, Brooklen Bear, Delaney Miller, Konnor Hasselbring, Taylor Gustafson, Brock Barton, Autumn Branson, Michaela Buchli, Kaycee Riggle, Riley Wood, Harlie Blas, Cashe Kroll, Sarah McCown, and Paige Livingston. The senior Parliamentary Procedure team, made up of the Fairbury FFA Officers including Michaela Buchli, Paige Livingston, Sarah McCown, Delaney Miller, Jordan Ruhnke, and Brock Barton, earned a blue ribbon. Freshmen, Taylor Gustafson and Riley Wood both received blue ribbons in Creed Speaking. In Junior Public Speaking, freshman Harlie Blas received a red. In Senior Public Speaking, senior, Jordan Ruhnke received a blue ribbon and junior, Michaela Buchli received second purple and is qualified for the Nebraska FFA State Convention in April! Junior, Autumn Branson received a red ribbon in her event Natural Resources. Senior Paige Livingston received a purple in Employment Skills and was only a few points off from qualifying to state! Sophomores, Taylor Runge and Sara Huss also received a purple in Ag Demonstration. They were also only a few points short of qualifying! The junior Parliamentary Procedure team, made up of Taylor Gustafson, Brooklen Bear, Riley Wood, Konnor Hasselbring, Cashe Kroll, Harlie Blas, and Sarah Engelman received a blue ribbon. It was a GREAT day to be a Jeff!

6th Graders Learn About Water Turbine/Water Wheel Via Distance Learning

The sixth grade students’ water wheel lesson began with a short discussion about the six main types of energy.  They talked about how energy could be transferred from one form to another, but can never be destroyed.  The students watched a video about hydroelectric power plants and how they produce energy.  For the activity, each group had two 20 oz bottles, six note cards, a strip of duct tape, a strip of masking tape, a ruler and a pair of scissors.  Each group constructed a water turbine.  Once the turbines were completed, each group tested their design and calculated the amount of power their model could generate.

Students Honored for Severe Weather Preparedness PSA

7th graders Seth Engelman, Brant Gillham & Salvador Chavez in Mrs. Winter’s science class were recently recognized with an award and check from Laura Hintz, the president of the Nebraska Association of Emergency Managers for a video submission to a statewide contest. Students from across the state were asked to submit video PSAs for severe weather preparedness. The 7th grade students were recognized at a school-wide assembly for their accomplishment!

Click here to view the video.


Due to scheduling conflicts, the 8th grade student/parent night originally scheduled for Thursday, February 8th at 6 p.m. will be moved to Wednesday, February 7th at 5 p.m. in the BFAC.

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