Homecoming 2024

Congratulations to our 2024 Homecoming King and Queen candidates! Coronation will be Friday, Sept 27 at the courthouse following the parade. Hope to see you there!

Also, Congratulations to our 9-11 grade class reps on the 2024 Homecoming Court!

Highway 136 Cleanup Fairbury FFA

Some of the members of the Fairbury FFA picked up trash along Highway 136.  Thank you students for your community service!

Staff Spotlights

Image by starline on Freepik

Please help us welcome these new staff members to the FPS Family!

The Pride of FPS Brings Home the Hardware

It’s been a busy weekend for the Fairbury High School Marching Band! Pep band Friday night and the next morning they marched in York, NE for the Yorkfest Grand Parade.
These students went out there and gave it their all while they marched and played through downtown York. At the end of the day, the students brought home some hardware. The Fairbury Jeffs won 2nd place in Class A/B!
Next stop for the Fairbury High School Marching Band is the Hastings Melody Round-up Parade on September 28th!

September Background Winner Announced

Thank you so much to ALL who created Chromebook backgrounds this month and to those who voted!
Once again, we narrowed it down to the top 10 designs, and below is the design that won by an overall staff vote. Voting was completely anonymous. Staff could only see the designs but not who made them.
Congratulations to Ash Ladwig, 10th grade, on having the most votes!


This is her design:

October design submissions will open in a couple of weeks!  🙂

“EGG-STRA” Special Science Experiment

Mrs. Rosener’s class did an amazing, interactive science experiment with an egg and vinegar! In Mrs. Rosener’s science class students experimented with an egg and vinegar. Students took a raw egg, shell and placed it in a cup of vinegar. After a day, the class made observations and talked about what they thought would happen to the egg. A week later, students were able to look at the egg and they were surprised by what they saw! The shell was gone, and the egg had a bouncy, rubber feeling to it. Some students described the egg feeling like they were holding a water balloon in their hand. Students learned that leaving the egg in vinegar for a week caused the shell to dissolve, leaving the egg white and egg yolk protected by the egg’s membrane. The vinegar created an acid base reaction and the shell slowly dissolved. Thanks to the membrane, students were able to hold the egg and learned what caused the egg to have that bouncy, rubber-like feel to it.

Pink Out Week Coming Soon

On August 21 at 7:50 am, we held an FBLA meeting with 52 members in attendance. We discussed the dues that need to be paid by September 6th. We also talked about Pink Out Week, September 8-14, where you can buy a shirt, and all the proceeds will be donated to our hospital to support local cancer patients. Additionally, we covered the FLC and NFLC event, which will take place in Columbus, Ohio, and any interested member is welcome to attend. Lastly, we encouraged everyone to sign up for the upcoming committees as we begin our new year. Our next meeting is scheduled for September 3rd!

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