Freshmen Attend Hastings College
The Freshmen Class was able to visit Hastings College yesterday as part of the EducationQuest College Access Grant that Fairbury High School was awarded a year ago. Students were able to tour the campus facilities, dorms, classrooms, and even eat lunch in the cafeteria. The visit allows students to see what different types of college campuses have to offer.
Indirect Measurement of Height
Reading Classics Division II State Champions and Division I Runner Up!
CONGRATULATIONS to the “B Awesome” team of Aldo Ramos, Natalie Heidemann, Heidi Ramos, Toby Julin-McCleary & Adeline Blatny on winning the Division II State Reading Classic Competition! After many hours and many books these students were put to the challenge Saturday March 24 at the State Reading Classics Competition at Tri-County School. Placing 1st in the semi-final round against 6 other schools they headed into the buzzer round facing Stoddard Elementary from Beatrice. They triumphantly won 5 to 2 in a very intense round of oral questions. We are very proud of their accomplishment. Continue to “B Awesome” & keep reading!
On Saturday, March 24th, the Division I Reading Classics Team traveled to Tri County for State Competition. After the written competition, Fairbury & Seward were announced as the top two teams. In the final buzzer round, Fairbury fell to Seward with a score of 5-7. Fairbury students were awarded a State Runner-Up medal and a trophy!! We are so proud of our excellent readers!! They have been very motivated throughout the year to read all 78 books! We would like to thank all of the volunteers who make this event possible!
Trying to Save Lives
On 3-20-18 Officer Charlie Cook, Officer Tim Pickering and Paul Aden of Fairbury came to speak to Mr. Scott’s Driver’s Education class. The officers came and showed the students what can happen if seatbelts are not worn and you are involved in an accident. The point was to instill in the students that wearing seat belts saves lives statistically. There were some videos shown and quite a few actual photos taken right here in Jefferson county of accident victims. Some were pretty hard to look at but the fact remains, when you get behind the wheel of a car, you are in charge of a very heavy object. Students also learned that speed is a major factor in accidents as well. Students got the opportunity to also try to walk a straight line wearing what some call the drunk goggles. The goggles were to simulate a certain Blood Alcohol Content or BAC.
Reading Classics Champions!
Division One Champions at the Jefferson County Reading Classics Competition on March 19th, are team members Micah Friesen, Abby Hynek, Dominic Joe, Nic Smith, and Iaunna Lucking. They will compete at State Reading Classics on Saturday at Tri County School. Great Job!!!
Team B came away with a 3rd place win and did an awesome job as well! Team members are Parker Jacobi , Konrad Kuzelka, Alecia Bedlan, & Madison Haddan. Not pictured is Brooke Held. Good job!!!
On March 19th two Division II teams from Fairbury competed at the Jefferson County Reading Classics Competition. This competition was the culmination of six months of extensive reading of 84 books for the 10 fifth & sixth graders on the two teams. Both the “B Awesome” team, consisting of team members Aldo & Heidi Ramos, Toby Julin-McCleary, Natalie Heidemann and Adeline Blatny, and the “UR Awesome” team with members, Samantha Starr, Addison Marschman, Eliza Kroeker, Mailee Garner, and Chloe Tracy, put in a good effort. In the end the “B Awesome’s” were victorious over the other teams from Thayer Central, Meridian, and Fairbury. They will head to Tri-County School March 24th to compete in the State Reading Classics Competition. Good Luck and Well Done Teams!
Nebraska Attorney General Visits FPS
Monday, March 19 was a special day for the 6th grade students at Jefferson Intermediate. Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson stopped by to visit. Mr. Peterson talked to our students about his job as Attorney General. He is a lawyer for the State of Nebraska and oversees 70 other lawyers who handle criminal cases across 93 counties. He talked to our students about making good choices with friends and technology. He shared with them that if he could talk to all parents and students, he would tell them these two pieces of information. Every night whatever computer students use, the computer should be in a place where the screen can be seen by adults at all times. The other piece of advice he offered was that parents should never allow a young person to take their cell phones to their own rooms. We appreciate that Attorney General Doug Peterson took time out of his very busy schedule to talk to our 6th graders!
Operation Lifesaver
Operation Lifesaver’s mission and purpose:
Operation Lifesaver’s History: They started in 1972 when the average number of collisions at U.S. highway-rail grade crossings had risen above 12,000 incidents annually. To address this, the Idaho governor’s office, along with the Idaho Peace Officers and Union Pacific Railroad launched a six-week public awareness educational campaign called Operation Lifesaver to promote highway-rail grade crossing safety. After Idaho’s crossing-related fatalities fell that year by 43%, the successful program was adopted by Nebraska (1973) and Kansas and Georgia the following year. Within a decade it had spread around the country; in 1986 a non-profit national Operation Lifesaver office was created to help support the efforts of state OL programs and raise national awareness on highway-rail grade crossing issues.
Officer Charlie Cook from the Nebraska State Patrol will be here on March 20, 2018 to talk to the kids about texting and driving. He usually also talks to the kids about the dangers of drinking and driving. There are 27 students in Driver’s Education this year.