Jr. High Students Attend Robotics Workshop
Seven Fairbury Jr. High Students attended a robotics workshop sponsored by the Electronic Systems Technical Program of Southeast Community College in Lincoln on October 11th. This was a one-day, hands-on workshop where they built and tested a Vex Robot and a simulated lie detector test which included soldering a circuit. They also received a tour of the technical areas related to robotics at the college including robotic welding, plasma cutters and small engines.
5th Grade Fall Art
Mrs. Ruhnke’s fifth graders drew and colored pumpkin scenes using Oil Pastels and Baby Oil. The students sketched their scene and then colored them with a variety of Oil Pastels. Blending was then done with a Q-tip and Baby Oil. Students enjoyed creating their pumpkin scenes and had the added bonus of a room that smelled like Baby Oil!
FHS Students Participate in Land Judging
By Kennedy DeBoer
Eighteen students traveled to Syracuse on Wednesday, October 3rd for land judging. At land judging, students go to four different pits and judge the quality and texture of the soil. Students also used their land capability chart to find the land capability class of each pit. This year Fairbury FFA chapter came home with two ribbons!! Freshman Brigham Scheetz earned a red ribbon in his first year of competing and Senior Delaney Miller received a white ribbon. All in all it was a great learning experience for all of the students that went, and hopefully next year we bring a couple more ribbons home!!
Josephine Blatny Qualifies for State Cross Country!
Geometry Students Put On Their Thinking Caps
FHS Students Visit SCC in Milford
September 19, 2018, Mr. Scott and ten FHS students had the privilege to tour Southwest Community College in Milford for their annual Career Construction Days. The group consisted of FHS juniors and seniors. Students had to sign up in advance online and request three areas of study that are offered at the college in Milford.
The day started off with Fairbury students and many other students from area schools all in a big gymnasium for an opening session where they listened to a guest speaker. They were all given a bag that contained information about the college. Next they were divided into roughly 28 different groups each containing a tour guide. There were teachers, students and volunteers there guiding the students from building to building.
Some of the areas of study that FHS students went to were Computer Aided Drafting, Auto body Repair, Construction, Masonry, Electrical and HVAC, Diesel Mechanics, Heavy Equipment Operation and Automotive Service and Maintenance.
It was a nice day and the weather was great. It was a rewarding visit and many found that the two year programs of study are what they really want today. Two year programs can land students great jobs. We even got to see a couple of graduates from last year on campus. Those students were nice to show us around and answer questions the younger students had.
STS Class Builds MouseTrap Vehicles
Students in Mr. Scott’s STS (Skilled Technical Sciences) class are busy making mousetrap vehicles. Students were given a standard Victor mouse trap and they have to design, build and test a vehicle that can go the farthest distance. This will test their problem solving abilities as well as working together with other classmates to accomplish their goal. Students could use about anything for materials such as wood, metal or plastics. They are realizing friction and weight are big factors. Students are also finding out that sometimes their first attempt is not always successful which is really how it is in making anything. Sometimes products must be redesigned and tested all over again. Just think how many times Edison attempted to make his light bulb idea work. Pictured with their cars are Leland Abbott, Juan Montes Lemus and Ashton Blobaum.