Central Elementary Students Celebrate Veterans Day

On Monday, November 12, 2018 students and visitors at Central Elementary celebrated Veterans Day. The VFW Color Guard presented the flag in the Cafegymtorium where students said the Pledge of Allegiance, watched patriotic videos, and sang songs. Students listened to veterans introduce themselves and talk about their services. High school students Zane, Isaac, and Konnor performed “Call to Colors” for the elementary students. Students made artwork that was displayed throughout the building and honorary stars were hung near the office.

Fairbury FFA Attends the 91st National FFA Convention

By Kennedy DeBoer

Eighteen students traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana for the 91st FFA National Convention and Expo. Students left Tuesday, October 24 at midnight from a Walmart parking lot in Lincoln, Nebraska on a charter bus. We traveled all night and arrived in Indianapolis around 1:30 Wednesday afternoon.

As a chapter we attended the opening session Wednesday night at the Bankers Life Fieldhouse where the Indiana Pacers play basketball. Kyle Scheele was the keynote speaker for that session. He gave a very inspiring message about leadership.

On Thursday, we got to start the day by going to the Indianapolis Speedway. We took a lap around the track and then got to “kiss the bricks” at the finish line. After we took the lap around the track we got to go into the museum and look at old cars and trophies. After that, we went downtown to eat. There is a food court in the mall and many different restaurants in walking distance in the area.  We ended the night by attending the Nebraska only FFA Dance in the hotel.

We started our Friday off by going to the FFA Convention Store and Expo. Members got to look at FFA gear that they could purchase and talk to different companies who gave away free things. Also, we watched FFA Creed and Parliamentary Procedure finals. That night we ended by going out to eat and then going to another session and listening to a keynote speaker. We also had the Nebraska dance at our hotel with the other Nebraska FFA Chapters.

Saturday morning, we went to Lucas Oil Stadium, and watched Carson Bohlmeyer get presented his American FFA Degree.  Fairbury FFA had four other members receive their American FFA Degrees but were not able to attend. Those members were Blake Bauer, Tyler Heidemann, Trevin Likens, and Patrick Ondrak.  We drove all day, arriving in Fairbury around 11:30 pm. All in all, we had a great trip to Indianapolis and a great learning opportunity for all of the members who went.

Optimist Hero Youth Appreciation Banquet Honorees

On Sunday, November 4th, 5 outstanding Fairbury High School Seniors were honored at the annual Optimist Hero Youth Appreciation Banquet.  Nominees were selected based on their perseverance through difficult situations, hard work, and being a positive youth in spite of obstacles they have faced.  The 5 honorees were:  Rusti Bassett, Autumn Branson, Sydney Dean, Dakota Gladson, and Paige Smith.  Thank you Optimist Club!

FPS Students Celebrate Red Ribbon Week

Central and Jefferson students celebrated Red Ribbon Week Oct. 29-Nov. 2. Red Ribbon Week promotes and encourages students to make healthy choices and choose to be drug free. This year’s theme is, Life is Your Journey. Travel Drug Free! To help students be the best they can be, our school partnered with Jefferson Community Health and Life and Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department. Students enjoyed learning about food and nutrition, heart health, dangers of smoking, poison control, crosswalk safety and a fitness activity.

FCCLA members attend the FCCLA District #2 Leadership Conference

Centennial, NE – Friday, October 19, 2018  – The Fairbury Chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and nearly 150 FCCLA youth members and adult advisers from FCCLA District 2 gathered at Centennial High School on October 19  for the annual District Leadership Conference (DLC). FCCLA District 2 membership includes students from the following schools: Centennial, Fairbury, Friend, Lincoln Northeast, Lincoln Southwest, Milford , Seward, and Waverly.  These meetings provided FCCLA members with opportunities to gain leadership skill experience and learn how to become a better leader by exploring what FCCLA is all about and attending sessions aligned with FCCLA’s National Programs.  At DLC our goal is to have all of our members increase their leadership skills and have personal growth. Fairbury also had 5 members participate in the first ever District #2 choir presentation of The Star Spangled Banner.  Those participating included:  Dakota Gladson, Josi Mans, Taylea Mills, Claire Shumard, and Izze Schwab.

Christine Brungardt from Jana’s Campaign, Inc. was the Keynote speaker and brought a message of education and violence prevention. The organizations single mission is to reduce gender and relationship violence. In honor of the late Jana Mackey and other victims and survivors of gender and relationship violence, Jana’s Campaign delivers educational programs that prevent domestic and dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking.  Other breakout sessions included Self Defense, a message from a Public School Resource Officer, Knowledge Bowl competition information, York College-Competing for STAR presentation, State Officer, SPOT, and Power of One presentations by current and former FCCLA members, and a Plating and Food demonstration by Chef Sarah Anderson, Ashland Golf Course. The District Leadership Conference provided a positive outlook for youth today and inspiration for what tomorrow holds for our future.


Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education.  FCCLA has more than 164,000 members and more than 5,300 chapters from 49 state associations, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. www.fcclainc.org

Classifying Angles – Blend Ed Style

Fifth graders learned about angles with some hands-on fun!  To classify angles at the beginning of our unit, teachers taped up a table with painter’s tape, armed students with a whiteboard marker, and let them classify (acute, right, obtuse, and straight) as many angles as they could.  They LOVED this activity! This was one of the four “Station Rotations” that students engaged in as part of the BlendEd Program that fifth graders are currently participating in. At the conclusion of this activity, students took a picture,explained this activity and posted it on their SeeSaw account to share with family and friends.  

PTA Fundraiser Kick Off

Central and Jefferson Intermediate School Kick off for the PTA fundraiser will run now until Nov. 6th.  Watch the video for more information.

Children’s Book Author/Illustrator a Hit!

Elementary students were entertained by children’s book author and illustrator, Bruce Arant, at a presentation held on Monday, Oct. 15 at the Burkley Fine Arts Center. Mr. Arant gave students a “behind the scenes” view of the processes of illustrating a picture book, from rough sketches to final artwork– specifically, for Simpson’s Sheep Won’t Go to Sleep! and Simpson’s Sheep Just Want to Sleep!  Students in grades 3-6 enjoyed an illustration workshop where they learned how to draw 20 different facial expressions.  Mr. Arant was in our region through partnership with many school districts as well as the support of our Fairbury PTA.

Parent Pyramid Model Series

There has been an extension on the registration deadline for the Parent Pyramid Model series in Fairbury due to low registration. Registration is open until this Friday, October 19th with the first class starting on Monday, October 22.

This parenting series is free to register and dinner and childcare are provided at no cost each night. This is a wonderful opportunity being offered to parents in Jefferson County and feedback from last year’s class was very positive.

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