Students Celebrate Red Ribbon Week

Central and Jefferson students celebrated Red Ribbon Week Oct. 28-Nov. 1.  Red Ribbon Week promotes and encourages students to make healthy choices and choose to be drug free.  This year’s theme is, Send a Message. Stay Drug Free!  Students participated in many fun activities such as dressing up, designing drug free posters and pledging to live a drug free life.  On Tuesday, October 29th, the Energizers Club presented to 3-6th grade students about why they choose to be drug free.

To celebrate Red Ribbon Week, students 3rd-6th grade were encouraged to design a poster centered around drug-free awareness.  Students were excited to put their artistic talents to work and there were many fantastic entries.  Unfortunately, we were only able to select one.  Members of the Jefferson Community Coalition voted on the top 11 posters and selected #9 as the winner; a design by 6th grade student, Sophie Julin-McCleary.  The billboard is scheduled to be installed Monday, November 11th and will be up for 4 weeks.  It will be located off of HWY 136 as you head east to Beatrice.  This contest was sponsored by the Jefferson Community Coalition.  The mission of the coalition is to reduce substance abuse among youth and to develop a safe and healthy community through collaborative planning, community action and policy advocacy.

Thanks to everyone who participated and joined in on the fun!  You showed everyone that you are taking care of your mind and body in a healthy way today and everyday!

Winning Poster by by 6th grade student, Sophie Julin-McCleary

Fairbury Jr./Sr. High Presents Osborne and Eppler Comedy

Southern Fried Funeral hits the stage Nov. 15-17, 2019

FAIRBURY – Tickets are now on sale for Fairbury Jr./Sr. High School’s annual fall stage production, Southern Fried Funeral, which will run for three performances on the third weekend of November.

The show features 11 eighth through twelfth graders on stage and several stage crew members. It follows last year’s South Pacific, which drew over 185 to each performance in Fairbury’s own Burkley Fine Arts Center that accommodates about 350.

Directors Joseph Fitzgerald and Natalie Julin-McCleary began their planning in the summer months preceding school after narrowing down from several show possibilities. “When picking a show, we have several considerations in mind,” Fitzgerald explained. “We like to offer variety to students from year-to-year, but we also have to consider if we are going to be able to adequately meet the casting requirements.”

Dewey Frye is dead and the rest of his family is left to pick up the pieces — that is if they don’t kill each other first. Not only does matriarch Dorothy have to contend with sudden widowhood, but she’s also faced with church-committee harpy Ozella Meeks sticking her nose in the family business, Dewey’s snake-in-the-grass brother making a grab for her house, and two grown daughters reliving their childhood rivalry. Funerals bring out the worst, the best, and the funniest in people, and the Fryes are no exception. A big-hearted comedy about family — Southern-style.

Cast members include Hailie Nicholson as Dorothy Frye, Lauren Patton as Ozella Meeks, Taylor Runge as Uncle Dub Frye, Natalie Rogge as Sammy Jo Frye-Lefette, and Kacy Starck as Harlene Frye.

Show times are Friday, Nov. 15 at 7 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 16 at 7 p.m., and Sunday Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. Tickets for the general public are $8 and $6 for students. VIP tickets are also available for $15 and guarantee a reserved seat plus a souvenir. Purchase available tickets at the door or ahead of time by calling 402.729.6116 or emailing If interested in volunteering your abilities, time, or efforts please email

Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.

Students Selected to All State and Honor Choirs

Congratulations to Natalie Rogge, who was selected to be part of the 2019 NMEA All State Chorus, and Jason Hughes and Taylor Runge who were selected to be part of the 2019 Concordia Musical Arts Day Honor Choir.

Each year, approximately 3,000 of the best high school musicians in the state audition for the Nebraska All-State Band, Chorus, Jazz Band and Orchestra which are sponsored by the Nebraska Music Education Association. Selection as a member of one of these groups is one of the highest music honors attainable in Nebraska. Mr. Chris Storm, Director of Choral Affairs for the Nebraska Music Education Association, is pleased to announce that Natalie Rogge, Soprano 1, will be among the 440 students selected to be a part of the 2019 All-State Chorus. Guest conductor for the group will be Dr. Brady Allred, Artistic Director and Conductor of the Salt Lake Choral Artists in Salt Lake City, Utah. The All-State Chorus will rehearse Thursday, November 21st through Saturday, November 23rd on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus, the host site of the 2019 NMEA Conference/ Clinic. A final public concert will be held on Saturday, November 23rd at the Lied Center for the Performing Arts on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus.

Each year, the best vocal and instrumental high school musicians from around the country audition for the opportunity to work with Concordia’s music department students and faculty in clinics and rehearsals during the university’s Musical Arts Day. Jason Hughes and Taylor Runge were selected for this. Singers and instrumentalists receive a full day of high energy, focused rehearsing and acclaimed performances. Participants work closely with Concordia music faculty and students throughout an entire day that culminates with a concert featuring performances by the high school honor choir and band, selected soloists, and members of Concordia’s University A Cappella Choir and University Symphonic Band. This concert will take place on Friday, November 8th at 6:30pm in the Walz Human Performance Complex Arena.

Construction Class Gives Back

The students in Mr. Scott’s Construction class had the opportunity to help unpackage all the playground equipment for the new Central playground. They all pitched in and got a lot done in a short order. There were many other people there from the community as well.  It just happened that Mr. Scott’s class was between jobs so it all worked out for the day.  They were glad to help do something more for the community.  Thanks to all that helped out.  I am sure the younger kids are all excited they are getting a new playground.  The boys were talking about when they were young and how they really enjoyed recess.

Husker Harvest Days

On September 11th, 42 students traveled to Grand Island for Husker Harvest Days. Throughout the day, students got the chance to talk to many different agricultural businesses including equipment companies, seed companies, and livestock producers.  Along with great experiences and talking to these experienced workers in the agricultural field, there were many different opportunities to meet new people from other chapters, see some old friends, and gather great souvenirs from every agribusiness company. Also, Jerry Miller from the Channel Seed Company sponsored the event by paying for each chapter member’s lunch. It was an educational day for all of the Fairbury FFA members to learn more about the future of agriculture.

First Graders Learn About Folktales

The First Graders at Central School had several high school students from Mr. Martin’s first period class read with them. They had been focusing on the literary genre of folktales in their CKLA (Core Knowledge Language Arts) Unit.
The high school students read different variations of Cinderella, Tom Thumb, Little Red Riding Hood, and many other folktales that were in our library.  After reading books with the high schoolers, the first grade students went back to their classrooms to create their own Cinderella Castles using building blocks. It was great having older students spend time with the first graders of Central School.

Construction Class Builds New Sidewalk

 Construction began last week with the building of a new sidewalk for the city ballpark.  Mr. Scott’s Construction class, with the help of city officials, got this project off to a roaring start.  Pictured here are Seth Firmanick, Keith Lee, Jayden Schmidt, Andrew Novotny, Jon Kerwood, Thorin Grieve, Brock Beed, and Devin Wanamaker.  Dalton Peterson was under the weather at the time of our first pouring.  Since the class is two blocks long, we formed up roughly 98 feet of sidewalk.  The sidewalk is five feet wide and six inches deep.  The class is learning how to order concrete and use various tools and techniques to get the job done.  It will have a broomed finish to complete the project.  This gives the concrete a better no slip finish that some people prefer.  After all the boys left to go back to the school, a snake decided to cross the freshly poured concrete.  He was apprehended and removed.  All in all, it was a nice day.  The boys were proud of their work.  


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