5th Grade Quiz Bowl Team Brings Home First Place Medal

Congratulations to our 5th grade Quiz Bowl Team for winning first place today, and to our 6th grade team for battling hard!
Shout out to our awesome sponsors, Ms. Taylor and Mr. Grein! Special thanks to Mikaela Rosener for being a fill in sponsor today! It takes a village!!! #jeffpride
6th Grade Team

Senior Spotlight – Lillian Searing

Each week, Fairbury Public Schools wants to dedicate some time to celebrate seniors. These will be shared as they are submitted by the graduating class. Our Sixth Senior Spotlight for 2024-25 is Lillian Searing . Congratulations Lillian!


November Background Winner Announced

Thank you so much to ALL who created Chromebook backgrounds this month and to those who voted!

Once again, we narrowed it down to the top 10 designs, and below is the design that won by an overall staff vote. Voting was completely anonymous. Staff could only see the designs but not who made them.

Congratulations to Serinity Hopkins, 8th grade, on having the most votes!

Here is her design:

October Students of the Month

Congratulations to our October students of the month!

Junior high
Westin Dux and Willow Warnke

High School
Miles Tatro and Liliana Orozco

Year 3 One School One Book Announcement

I am excited to share with you that this coming Monday, November 4, our Jefferson Intermediate and Central Elementary families will take off on a new reading adventure!  

Every Jefferson Intermediate and Central Elementary family will receive a copy of the same book – and will be asked to read it together at home over the next few weeks.  I am personally asking you to make the time so that your family can participate in this special activity.  

On Monday, November 4, we will send home one copy of the book per family.  The book will be sent home with the youngest child or only child in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade.  Along with a copy of the book, I am sending a reading calendar for families to use as a guide.  The first 10 pages will be read at school.   

I KNOW that you will enjoy this special reading time with your children.  This is an excitingopportunity to build a “Community of Readers”!

Mrs. Simpson

Jefferson/Central Media Specialist

Energizers Organization Focus on Community

The Energizers organization from the high school that focuses on community involvement and promoting a drug free message has begun to partner up with Cedarwood for a monthly lunch bunch at the school.  Each month a couple of residents from Cedarwood will come up and eat lunch with a couple of members of the Energizers Organization.  Rylie Herring and Delaney Gasper, the President and Vice President of the group ate with their guests this month.  As a bonus, this months Cedarwood residents got to eat with their grandchildren Grady Chappel and Izzy Ohlde.

Children’s Author/Illustrator, Bruce Arant Presents to Elementary Students

On October 24th, Bruce Arant presented to the elementary students of Fairbury.  Bruce Arant—a father of three—writes from years of personal experience of “tucking-in” at bedtime, when he has fielded all possible childhood excuses to stay awake just a little bit longer. Prior to becoming a full-time writer and illustrator, Arant enjoyed a career of nearly 20 years in the magazine and custom publishing industry, where he held a variety of editorial and creative positions. He lives in Omaha, Nebraska.

He wrote and illustrated Simpson’s Sheep Won’t Go To Sleep (2013 Peter Pauper Press) as well as that book’s sequel, Simpson’s Sheep Just Want to Sleep (2017). His first Simpson’s Sheep book was a 2015-16 Nebraska Golden Sower nominee.  The book also won two 2014 Nebraska Book Awards, and in 2016 it was appointed to the Nebraska 150 Book List.

Senior Spotlight – Reese Stone

Each week, Fairbury Public Schools wants to dedicate some time to celebrate seniors. These will be shared as they are submitted by the graduating class. Our Fifth Senior Spotlight for 2024-25 is Reese Stone . Congratulations Reese!

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