School Picture Day!

Picture Day will look a little different this year. You will not be receiving Order Flyers. That’s why our picture company has created a website for you to get answers, tools and resources to help make Picture Day run smoothly.

Picture Day for Central Elementary, Jefferson Intermediate and Fairbury Junior-Senior High School is scheduled for Monday, September 21, 2020.  To order pictures, follow the links below.

Central Elementary: School Code: 52105H

Jefferson Elementary: School Code: 52109K

Fairbury Jr. Sr. High School: School Code is 52108H

If the link above fails, go to this site:


Welcome To Third Grade!

Welcome To Third Grade At Jefferson Intermediate School!  We are really excited to be back in school and welcome our 3rd grade students to Jefferson Intermediate School. We are off to a great start and are looking forward to a fresh new year with our students in person and remotely until we can all be together safely.

Fairbury Elks Lodge Helps Create Outdoor Classroom

Taking Learning Outdoors

What better way to learn than outdoors?  Fortunately, a grant through our local Elks Lodge made this possible.  With a focus on Nebraska, this outdoor classroom project transformed an existing grassy area by Jefferson Intermediate School into an outdoor learning space. Our hope is this outdoor space becomes a “hub” for learning while promoting healthier students.  All students and classes will be able to use this stimulating and flexible outdoor space.  Numerous studies have shown that when the environment is used as an integrating context for learning, students:  perform better, show improved critical thinking skills and are more engaged. In addition to our local Elks Club, a special thanks goes out to all involved with this project.

Click Here for News Channel Nebraska Article


Welcome Back to School Message and Covid Update

Welcome back to the 2020-21 school year!  We are so excited to be at school and are preparing for a great year.  I have created a video to update you on some important information.  Please take the time to watch it, and once again, welcome back!

School Board Approves FPS Return to School Guidelines & Protocols

A special Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education meeting was held on Thursday, July 30th to finalize and work through the guidelines and protocols we will follow as we return to school this fall.  The administration has been consumed by the task of finding information, resources and best practices throughout the summer. They have been in constant contact with NDE personnel, DHHS personnel and area school districts. The plan they have crafted represents months of planning and discussions, trying to tailor it to our community. Thank you to: our administrative team, BOE members, secretary staff, custodial staff, food service, Superintendent Advisory Committee, technology team and FEA leadership. As you review the plan, please understand this forms our foundation. It does not answer every question or represent “what to do” in every situation. It will be ever changing and malleable to fit the circumstances as we experience them. With that in mind, please know we are in constant contact with resources to help us navigate what comes at us. We feel ready and this plan will help us along the way.  Please read the following documents for more detailed information.

Parent Return to School Plan

FPS – Return to School Plan

Fairbury E-Learning Form


News From Our New Music Educator!

Hello! My name is Mr. Dusso and I will be taking over as the new 7-12 Music Teacher for FPS!!

Music Announcements!!
Band Camp for 9th-12th grade will be August 3rd-7th from 10:30 am-Noon.
SENIORS! Please arrive on Monday August 3rd at 10 am. We will be fitting for marching uniforms as well as getting ready for our first home pep band performance!
Please bring your own water bottles as we will be outside while practicing social distance procedures.
Crimson Elite Auditions will be after dismissal on Friday August 21st.
Please email Mr. Dusso for audition material.
I am very excited to meet you, and cannot wait to get started!

Important School Information!

Please listen to this Important Back to School information! School is almost here, and Fairbury Public Schools has been working hard to be ready to welcome students to the 2020-21 school year.

Reopening Fairbury Athletic Facilities During Covid-19 Pandemic

Background – On May 11th Governor Ricketts announced that beginning on June 1st, 2020, NSAA member schools are permitted to open weight rooms for voluntary strength and conditioning sessions.

In Response Executive Director of the NSAA, Jay Bellar, gave the following update:

Prioritizing the health and safety of all students and staff must remain the focus of each NSAA member school. 

These requirements must be followed when conducting voluntary strength and conditioning sessions:

  • Maintain social distance by being 6 feet apart
  • Follow gathering guidelines of groups of 10 or less students
  • Groups of 10 or less must be pre-determined
  • Once groups determined, students may not switch from one group to another
  • Interaction between groups shall be avoided
  • Sessions can only include weightlifting, running, and exercises designed to promote physical fitness.
  • Sport-specific drills are not permitted, and sport-specific equipment may not be used.
  • Implement diligent and effective cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched objects and surfaces following the guidance of the CDC

It is the responsibility of each NSAA member school to comply with the above requirements.

Additionally, NSAA member school sponsored camps, clinics and open gyms are prohibited in any sport at this time.

Should the conditions warrant, these requirements will be adjusted.

Any further official updates will be posted on the NSAA website and the NSAA social media platforms.

 Key points for Fairbury Public Schools:

1. All Activities

  • No access to school facilities outside of the allotted time for conditioning and weights.
  • Students can practice on their own, but not as a school-sponsored team.
  • No school coaching, uniforms, or financial help will be provided.
  • High school summer camps, summer leagues, clinics and open gyms are prohibited by the NSAA at this time

2. Workouts cannot be required- all optional/voluntary

  • Attendance can not help/hurt students standing within your individual program.

3.  Disinfect and Sanitize

  • Clean all areas/equipment used. (Between sessions and after every use)
  • Spray, let set, then wipe down.

3. Social Distance

  • Maintain proper social distancing (6 – 10 ft.) between coaches/students at all times.
  • No more than 10 students and 1 coach at a time in a room. (weight room, gym, outdoor conditioning.)

4. Restroom

  • Access will be limited.  Please use the restroom prior to coming to the school.

5.Drinking Fountains/Locker Rooms

  • Access will be limited to emergency only.  Students are not to be wandering around the facility under any circumstances.
  • Students must bring their own water bottle, already filled.  It must be removed every day as well.


  • Outside doors are to remain locked to limit the number of hands touching the handles.  A coach assigned to that group must let student in and out of the building
  • Interior doors to remain propped open to limit the number of hands touching the handles.

7.Weight Room

  • Restricted hours of operation
  • Students will be required to clean equipment after each use.  Disinfectant and paper towels will be provided to each student upon entry and leave upon exit. The entire facility will be disinfected by staff every day.
  • Optional/Voluntary – If students or parents do not feel comfortable coming to school, workouts will still be provided through email.
  • Groups and times will be predetermined. There is no switching times or groups during the session or at any time.
  • Outside doors remain locked.  There will be a coach at the outside door to allow entrance to the group of 10.
  • Leave all extra personal items in the car. (phone, lanyards, etc.)
  • Fairbury Public Schools Staff have access during non student hours.

8.Other Health Measures

  • If the student is feeling sick or running a temperature, they must remain home.
  • Students and their families should follow self-quarantine guidelines if there is a suspicion of COVID 19 exposure.
  • Reporting of illness or possible COVID 19 exposure is critical.  It is expected that any athlete with potential exposure will notify their coach as soon as possible.
  • Evidence of any outbreak of disease among staff, students, or any student’s relatives with whom they are living, or visit frequently, will prompt the Fairbury Public Schools administration to promptly close the facilities.
  • Each site shall identify a room for separation of the student that appears to be ill or may have developed flu-like symptoms while in our care.  Students will have someone with them at all times and parents will be contacted immediately if concerns arise about the health of any children.


  • If a student cannot make their training session, they need to contact their specific programs Head Coach or their Group Coach.
  • Each student should know their Head Coach and Group Coach phone number and or email address. 402-616-2337

Weight Room Schedule Starting on Monday, June 1st, 2020.  (9-12 grades to start)

Boys Sessions –>  Mon -Thursday 6 am and 7 am
Girls Sessions ->  Mon-Wed-Thurs  Time TBD based on sessions needed.
At home sessions -> For those people that are uncomfortable or at risk we are developing a set of workout to do from home.
Boys will need to contact Coach Garfield or Coach Steinhoff.
Girls will need to contact Coach Evans or Coach Engle-Evans.




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