Students have been working on re-entering the classroom environment after the extended Covid-19 Closure through “Second Step” Guidance lessons each Monday. On this particular day, the lesson was entitled “Let’s Talk”. Students were given 3 sticky notes and were instructed to write down the following:
“I’m Excited About…
“I’m Worried About…
“I’m Wondering…
Students then took turns putting their sticky notes under the correct category. Through this activity – students were able to see that they were excited and worried about a lot of the same things and that they had a lot of the same questions. Students were reminded that the new rules and routines were meant to keep them safe and healthy and that they could always talk to a trusted adult about any of their concerns.
National Honor Society elected this year’s officers and previewed some upcoming dates in its first meeting on Thursday, Sep. 17.
This was the first meeting since the unofficial “kidnapping” induction of new members back in March. A new date for the formal induction has yet to be announced. NHS advisor Mrs. Julie Petersen used this gathering to welcome new members and provide an overview of the organization’s values and involvement.
“I am looking forward to giving back to the community through the volunteer opportunities that are given to me by the club.” Alex Buxton ’22 said.
One of the first orders of business was the election of officers. President Brynn Novotny, elected as President-Elect last year as a junior, will serve alongside Buxton (Vice President/President-Elect, Point Chart Recorder), Lindsey Korthals ’21 (Secretary) and Keely Schramm ’21 (Reporter). Some of these individuals have already begun brainstorming ideas for their new roles.
“Right now, we have a Twitter page. However, I’d like to start an Instagram account for [NHS] because I find people use it more often,” Schramm said. “I’m excited to be a part of the NHS officer team. I decided to become the Reporter to strengthen my leadership skills and learn to balance responsibilities.”
NHS will have several opportunities to continue its work in the school and community, including its partnership with Nebraska Community Blood Bank to hold blood drives at Fairbury High School and the conduction of the Veterans Day convocation.
National Honor Society President Brynn Novotny ’21 presides over the meeting by reading through the agenda. Some topics addressed in the meeting included officer elections, important dates and a review of the four pillars: Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character. Photo by Lindsey Korthals
To further advance their learning to the next level, Doctor Emily Winter’s Junior High Life Science class is learning how to use microscopes.
First starting this learning experience on September 1st the clase continues to use the microscopes that Dr. Winter has.
“I love microscopes,” Dr. Winter said. “I get really happy when the students get excited to use the microscopes.”
Students have been viewing many items under the microscope ranging from a sunflower seed to even part of a human brain, but the main part of the viewing is related to the viewing of cells.
“My favorite thing that I viewed under a microscope was a piece of a cat that Dr. Winter’s husband was working on,” Jamison Runge ‘26 said.
Starting next week, Dr. Winter’s JH Life Science class will be continuing the use of the microscopes to view and learn about water bears underneath the microscope.
“I think that learning to use a microscope is an important skill,” Dr. Winter said. “I want my students to be confident in a lab if they have to use a microscope.”
Play auditions for WCKY were held in the Burkley Fine Arts Center on Tuesday, September 8 at 7:00pm.
The cast that was picked are grateful for their roles in this year’s play.
“I am extremely happy with the part I got. I didn’t know much about the play but the role I got suits me well.” Addison Parrack ‘21 said.
Even though they enjoy the role they received, some of them did not think they were going to receive one.
“I was not confident about my audition. I feel like I did really well but I did not think I got a part.” Lyza Call ‘23 said.
The cast had many reasons for auditioning for WCKY.
“I guess I just wanted to give it a try because I’m interested in acting and I thought it would be fun.” Trenton Ruhnke ‘23 said.
WCKY is a comedic murder mystery that takes place at a radio station. The cast and directors enjoy many different parts of this play.“My favorite part of this show would be no matter what is happening on stage while the actual “radio show” is happening, both seem to fit together so well. The timing of this play is, in itself, a work of art.” Ryan Dusso, director of this year’s play, said.
The Cheer Clinic presented by the Fairbury Jeffs Cheerleaders is quickly approaching! Forms went home to elementary students last week and are due Wednesday, September 23rd to your student’s school office. Please print and fill out this digital form if you need a replacement
During Knowledge time, the Kindergarten class in Mrs. Moody’s class read a biography on Helen Keller. We asked Mrs. Nichelson to come in and share her expertise on sign language.
Mrs. Moody’s class – pajama day for homecoming week
In Mrs. Stanton’s preschool classes, the students have been learning, playing, and creating with wood pieces. The wood pieces we work with are big lines, little lines, big curves, and little curves. Wood piece play takes children from the very beginning to teach everything they need for readiness to pre-writing. To children, it’s just play-but this is play that leads directly to school readiness skills.
The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff.
On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Jane Rhine, FPS Food Service Supervisor, as the recipient of the first Jeffs’ Best Award this school year!
Some comments made about Jane were “She has a lot going on with changes in the cafeterias and trying to be 3 different people at once when an employee calls in.”
“Jane Rhine represents Jeffs’ Best because she prepared thousands of meals this summer! She continues to manage her staff, order food and materials, comply with ever-changing policies, and feed our children!”
“Jane is always willing to help everyone out. She takes on tasks (even last minute requests), even though it add more to her busy workload. Jane and her kitchen staff make (delicious) food for our staff. Jane wears 100 hats and does it all efficiently with a welcoming smile on her face!”
Jane will receive a $25 gift certificate and will be eligible for a drawing for a $100 prize later in the year! As always, we want to thank everyone for their nominations!
I am pleased to announce that, beginning Friday, Sept. 11, 2020, we will be able to provide ALL Fairbury Public School students free breakfast and free lunch, we hope, through December 22, 2020 (our last day of first semester). This is the result of US Secretary of Agriculture Purdue extending our authorization for the Summer Food Service Program!
Here are several key pieces of information:
AllFairbury Public School students enrolled are eligible for one breakfast and one lunch free per day, regardless of eligibility.
Only complete meals will be free. Any “seconds”, A La Carte items or extras will be charged accordingly, this includes milk if your child brings lunch from home.
Because this program will end on December 31, 2020, if you believe you are eligible for Free/Reduced meals with the regular School Lunch Program,you must complete and send applications now.The grace period from last year will be over on September 30th. When the Summer Food Service Program ends in December, and you have not completed your application, meals served will be charged to your child’s account, beginning in January.
Any charges incurred before Sept 1 will need to be paid, this includes any balance left from last year.
All balances will remain on student accounts until January. Money may be used for seconds and a la carte items, if you do not allow your child to purchase extras, a notation can be made on their account.
This only lasts as long as the Federal funds are available. Through December 31 or possibly before.
Stephen L. Grizzle, Superintendent Fairbury Public Schools “It’s a GREAT day to be a Jeff!”