Flowcharts ~ Visualizing Proofs

Geometry proofs can be extra challenging for students.  Even parents remember solving proofs when they were in school.  Paragraph proofs and two column proofs can be simplified by making them visual with a flowchart proof.

Students in Mrs. Petersen’s geometry class assembled their knowledge of congruent angles (vertical, alternate interior, angle bisector) and congruent segments (midpoint, isosceles triangle, reflexive, parallelogram) to prove triangles are congruent.  All the needed information was given for students to cut and paste in the right order.  Then arrows can show the flow through the process.

Although still challenging, students worked hard and found success.  At the end of class Mrs. Petersen said, “I can hear your brains getting exhausted.”  It is rewarding to see the skills of the first month of school assembled in to one problem.  One of the students in class replied, “I think I actually understand flowcharts!  It was easier than I expected.”

With all of the cutting and pasting, students saved paper by recycling (better known as reusing) old softball game programs.

See pictures below for examples of their work.IMG_1861 IMG_1863 IMG_1864 IMG_1865 IMG_1866


The EducationQuest Foundation piloted an Apply2College Campaign in 2014-2015 where select schools would host a day or two where every senior applied to at least one college of their choice. Even if a student did not plan on pursuing a post-secondary education, they had to apply to at least a 2-year community college. The hope is to get every senior to apply and see that college is an option for everyone. Fairbury seniors will be joining this campaign on October 27th & 28th. The first half of the alphabet will be applying to their selected college(s) on October 27th and the later half on October 28th. In order to make this happen, students will need to have access or knowledge of specific information. There is a checklist that each senior was given last week at the senior meeting. Please help your child by having this information ready for them to bring to school. Contact Mrs. Biehl at the high school with any questions.

Geometry Students Discover Yoga

Geometry students discover yoga poses aid in their understanding. While studying congruent triangles the class was saying “Side Angle Side”. These spatial relationships can be studied while experiencing a yoga pose such as triangle or side angle.

Taking this adventure outside, students were grounded and balanced as they tried something new. After big smiles and a few giggles, the triangle pose was attempted.

Rielee asked, “Can we do this more often?” The mental and physical benefits of yoga will become more frequent in geometry class.

Model Yoga Pose
Model Yoga Pose
Our Try At It
Our Try At It

First Quarter Family Fun Night

The first family fun night was held September 24th in front of the FYI Center for Jefferson and Central School Students and Families.  Children enjoyed games, food, and dancing to music throughout the night.


Don’t Let the Flu Rule!

Get your flu vaccine, once a year every year. Flu season is almost here, Public Health Solutions District Health Department will be offering flu vaccine clinics for students at your school. Prior to the start of clinics, students will be bringing home consent forms and fact sheets – this will explain the importance of getting the flu vaccine this year. Parents and/or guardians are encouraged to read all the information carefully, complete and sign the consent form. Send forms back to school with your student. Public Health Solutions District Health Department will be at your school on Wednesday, October 7th. This program is brought to the community by support from United Health Community Plan and Public Health Solutions. For more information, contact your school health office, or Public Health Solutions at 888-310-0565

Flu Vaccination Form

Parker Ranger Visits Second Grade

Nick Manes, Park Ranger from the Homestead National Monument in Beatrice showed many different animal skins during his “Skins and Skulls” presentation on September 22 to the Second Graders at Central.  The students were able to touch and feel many different animal pelts while they learned different facts about each animals.   One fact the students all learned that was interesting was that a skunk usually gives three warnings prior to actually spraying.



If you are a high achieving senior student who requires financial assistance in order to attend college you should apply for The Hagan Scholarship.  You could be awarded up to $10,000/yr for four years if awarded.  Apply at www.hsfmo.org

Star Spangled Banner National Sing-a-long

Our students at Jefferson were among many in our nation that took part in a national sing-a-long event to remember those that were lost in the attacks on 9/11.  At 12:00 (C.T.) students stopped what they were doing and sang The Star Spangled Banner all together.

Mrs. Bigley and Mrs. Erikson took time in music class to teach our students how to sing The Star Spangled Banner.  They also taught the students the history behind why it was written and the meaning of much of the vocabulary in the lyrics.

Math Help at Home

Many parents read to their children at home with the goal of helping their child appreciate literature and become good readers.  However, don’t miss an opportunity to integrate math skills into reading.

Skills needed to bring meaning to reading can also help bring meaning to math tasks as well.  Both require decoding symbols – reading requires using sound-symbol relationships while math symbols indicate numerical processes.  Both require a knowledge of vocabulary to gain contextual meaning.  By discussing mathematics within a story, the child is more actively engaged in the story and is analyzing it, rather than just passively listening.  The use of story books moves the child away from the calculation side of mathematics and towards the real-life applications of math.

Here are some books you may want to read with your child:

Fraction Fun House:   D.A. Adler,(1996)

Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar:  M. Anno and M. Ammo (1983)

The M&M’s Brand Chocolate Candies Counting Book: B.B> McGrath (1994)
12 Ways to Get to 11:  E. Merriam  (1993)

Divide and Ride:  S.M. Murphy  (1997)

One Hundred Hungry Ants:  E.J. Pinczes  (1993)

The Right Number of Elephants:  J. Sheppard  (1990)

From One to One Hundred:  T. Sloat  (1991)

The Doorbell Rang.  P. Hutchins  (1986)

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.  E. Christelow  (1989)

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