Junior High ESU Science Programming Day

Eighteen junior high students got to attend the ESU regional science day in Beatrice. The theme this year was programming and coding. Student created mini video games, programmed CEEN-BoTs to navigate a maze and programmed mini parrot drones to complete certain tasks for a competitive points contest. The drones took off, flew over tables, through hula-hoops suspended from the ceiling. All groups competed for awards, got t-shirts to commemorate the day and enjoyed a pizza lunch from Godfathers. All of the students had a great day learning more about programming!




Seniors…it’s time to prepare for the FAFSA!

The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is the application for state, federal and college-specific financial aid. Follow these steps to prepare for the FAFSA and the financial aid process:


Contact the college(s) you applied to and ask for their FAFSA priority filing date (typically March 1 to April 1).


Complete your 2015 taxes early as the FAFSA requires current tax information.


Create an FSA ID for you and one for a parent at fsaid.ed.gov. You’ll need the FSA ID to access your FAFSA and other Federal Student Aid websites.  For instructions, review this brief handout or video.


Gather these student and parent items:

  • 2015 federal income tax forms and, if applicable, Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)
  • 2015 W-2 forms
  • Student’s driver’s license number
  • Social Security numbers
  • Birth dates
  • Date parents were married, separated, divorced or widowed
  • Current cash, savings and checking account balances
  • Current investment values (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, CDs, etc.) excluding your home and retirement accounts
  • Value of business (if more than 100 employees)
  • Value of investment farm (Do not include the value of a family farm that you or your parents live on and operate.)
  • 2015 child support (paid and/or received)
  • 2015 Workers’ Compensation
  • Other untaxed income in 2015 such as housing/food/ living allowances for military and clergy
  • Alien Registration Number for eligible non-citizens


Be prepared to indicate on the form if anyone in your household received federal benefits such as Supplemental Security Income, SNAP, TANF, Free or Reduced Price Lunch, or WIC.


Complete the FAFSA at fafsa.gov before your college’s priority date.


Expect a Student Aid Report (SAR) acknowledging that your form was processed.


Expect Financial Aid Award Notifications in the spring from the colleges you listed on your FAFSA. The notifications will detail the financial aid assistance the colleges are offering (could be a combination of scholarships, grants, work-study, and student loans).




Check out these free FAFSA tools and resources

Visit “FAFSA Tools” at EducationQuest.org where you’ll find:


  • College Funding Estimator – estimates your FAFSA results
  • FAFSA Checklist – provides a list of items you need to gather before you complete the FAFSA
  • FAFSA Tutorial – explains each FAFSA question
  • FAFSA Demo and IRS Data Retrieval videos – walk you through the FAFSA process


If you are filing a FAFSA for the first time and want free personal help, call the EducationQuest location nearest you to make an appointment. Kearney: 308-234-6310 or 800-666-3721; Lincoln: 402-475-5222 or 800-303-3745; Omaha: 402-391-4033 or 888-357-6300, or Scottsbluff: 800.303.3745, ext. 6654.


Free webinars will help you prepare for the FAFSA

You and your parents can learn about financial aid and the FAFSA from the comfort of your home by participating in a free EducationQuest Financial Aid Program Webinar.



Wednesday, December 16 – 7:00 pm (CT)

Webinar link: http://eqf.org/1P9LFv4


Monday, January 11 – 7:00 pm (CT)

Webinar link: http://eqf.org/1LYxtnE


Wednesday, January 13 – 7:00 pm (CT)


Webinar link: http://eqf.org/1LYyjRj


To join a webinar, click on the link under your desired date. The password is college.



January “To Do” List



__ Attend a Financial Aid Program in your area and register to win a $500 scholarship!

__Complete your taxes early as you’ll need that information for the FAFSA.




HELEN V. SHEARON Must be outstanding in music and/or drama Upper 25% of the class academically April 1st $200
FAIRBURY AREA JAYCEES Must show a commitment to school, community, and mankind Any senior showing an interest to further his/her education is eligible to apply and must include at least a 100 word essay explaining why you should be considered for this scholarship April 1st $250
J.M. GOODSON Must have indicated an interest to continue studies in the field of education, exhibit financial need, and have shown exemplary moral character In the upper 25% of the class academically April 1st $175
MABEL M. BURGER Preference will be given to students exhibiting aptitude & ability in mathematics, indicated a desire to continue in the math field, exhibit financial need,  and a member of the National Honor Society Upper 25% of the class academically April 1st $200

2015 Fall Academic All-State Award Winners!

The 2015 Fall Academic All-State Award Winners were recognized at the Fairbury Public Schools board meeting on December 14th. Students must have a 93% GPA and be a significant varsity contributor in order to receive the award.  We are very proud of these FHS students!

Richard Zimmerman – 31 years of Excellent Service

I would like to take a moment to thank Mr. Richard Zimmerman for his excellent

service to our district! Richard has made the difficult decision to retire from the

Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education, effective this December 2015. His

dedication and service has spanned an incredible 31 years! Throughout his tenure,

he has also helped lead at the State Level as well, as he served as the President of

the Nebraska Association of School Boards in 2012.

During his tenure as a Fairbury Public School’s board member, there have been

momentous events that Richard has had the opportunity to observe, lead and to be

an integral part of since he began on the board in 1985! For example:

  • He has worked with 7 superintendents.
  • The East and West Elementary schools ceased being used as elementary attendance centers and we began using Central Elementary School.
  • The Fairbury Public Schools purchased The Southeast Community College building (formerly known as Fairbury Junior College) and it became Jefferson Intermediate School.
  • The district purchased the Armory Building for our use for the Life Program.
  • The successful bond election that allowed the district to build the current high school facility.

Thank you for your service Richard!

Gingerbread in Disguise!

Last week I read The Gingerbread Man to my kindergarten students.  They loved the story but we were saddened when the Gingerbread Man was gobbled up by the fox in the end!  For a family project I sent home a gingerbread man with each student and their parents helped to disguise them. Check out their awesome creations!


Mrs. Shinn’s 3rd Graders Bring Joy to Heritage Residents

Mrs. Shinn’s 3rd grade classroom participated in the Cookie Project this year with the Fairbury High School FBLA Organization. This project teaches 3rd grade students about the American Free Enterprise System which gives them the ability start and run their own business. The 3rd graders, along with Fairbury’s FBLA, baked chocolate-chip cookies and sold them to the high school students. The profits go to the 3rd grade classrooms. The students of each room then get to decide what to do with their cookie money.
One day as Mrs. Shinn was telling her students about visiting her mom in the nursing home and that students from another school would go out to the nursing home read to residents once a week. Mrs. Shinn’s students asked it they could go read to residents at Fairbury’s Heritage Nursing Home. The students found out what it would cost to get a bus and driver. They also needed to make sure they were not giving up important classroom time. The students voted to use their cookie money for the bus and would be willing to give up their art time one week.

Mrs. Shinn made arrangements with the school, bus barn, and the Heritage Nursing Home. Next, the students worked on Christmas decorations and Christmas cards for residents in art class. In music they even practiced a Christmas Carol to sing.
On December 10, the students arrived at school dressed in red and green with their two Christmas books picked out and ready to go. The students were so excited and on the bus that they practiced their song. Upon arriving at the Nursing home, the students gathered in the cafeteria and practiced their song again as residents gathered. Then each student found a resident. They read to them, visited with them, and gave them a gift. It was soon hard to tell who had bigger smiles, the residents or students. After reading, the students sang again and told the residents good-bye. The students were still singing on the bus trip back to school. Throughout the day the students continued to talk about how much fun they had.
Before going home, the students shared with Mrs. Shinn that when they decided to go to the nursing home they thought they would be giving a gift to the residents. However, they hadn’t realized how good it would make them feel inside, so it was really a gift to themselves as well. Mrs. Shinn’s class has decided if it can be arranged, they want to do this again. Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 2.11.26 PM

Fairbury Public Schools – Going 1:1 (Discounted Parent Fee!!)

Fairbury Public Schools will be rolling out the 1:1 Chromebook Initiative for Fairbury Jr. Sr. High School on December 21-22, 2015.  The Chromebook program will include students in grades 7-12.  Each student will receive a Chromebook to be used in the classroom as well as at home for educational purposes.  Teachers will be using computer technology for instruction, assignments, projects, research and assessment.

Please Note: In order for students to receive a device, a parent or guardian must be in attendance at one of the two Parent Informational Sessions December 21, 2015:
1:25 – 3:35PM (with students) or
6:00-8:00 PM (Parents only)

There will be an informational session by Robert Truhe, KSB School Law Attorney in Lincoln, NE and a presentation on our Policy and Usage Handbook including Chromebook care, and acceptable use. There will also be several forms that must be signed.  Families must pay a $30 Chromebook Asset Protection Policy Fee each year. The amount will be discounted to $15 this year if parents attend during our rollout on December 21st-22nd.

This is an exciting time for the community, our high school students and teachers and for the school district.  We are moving into a new era!  The immediate access to computers and increased use of computers in education will have a beneficial effect on educational outcomes.   We hope to bring the 21st century to the forefront as well as engage students in critical thinking, collaboration and communication.

Just a reminder to parents that E-Registration must be completed before your student will be issued a Chromebook next Semester. If you do not have access to a computer, PLEASE contact the office BEFORE the rollout date of December 21. We will provide you the necessary items to have this completed!!

If E-registration is completed, parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to begin viewing and approving the Chromebook Policy. This approval process is through the parent access of PowerSchool and can be done any time. This approval MUST BE completed before your student will be issued their Chromebook next semester. If you have any questions, please contact the high school at 402 729-6116 and we will be happy to assist you.

We  encourage parents to refer to our Website for more information on the 1:1 initiative.  We look forward to seeing you at one of our Parent Informational Sessions in December!

Stephen Grizzle, Superintendent

Fairbury TV Announces Rollout

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