Seniors Nominated for Believers and Achievers Program

The Believers and Achievers program is sponsored by the Nebraska School Activities Association and U.S. Bank. This is a state-wide program that recognizes the future leaders in our communities.

There were three high school seniors from Fairbury Jr-Sr high school that were selected for this years Believers and Achievers program. Those students included Josh Robertson ’21, Brynn Novotny ’21, and Ellie Ohlde ’21. All three of these students display an excellence in academics and participation in NSAA activities. As well as show a commitment to citizenship, school involvement and community projects.

These three seniors applied for the Believers and Achievers program and were then judged on their scholastic achievement, NSAA activity participation, School involvement, Community Involvement, and a citizenship essay.

“There were a couple of reasons I wanted to apply, last year the ones that got [the Believers and Achievers award] were top notch leaders, so to be able to apply for the same thing they did gives me a good feeling,” Brynn Novotny said. “I always try to look for those leadership honors because it makes me feel like I’m doing the right thing.”

Robertson ’21, Novotny ’21, and Ohlde ’21 are the school honorees for the 2020-21 school year. There will be 48 outstanding students chosen by the NSAA from all of those who applied for the program where they will be recognized for their achievements at the half time of an NSAA state championship event.

Parents Communicate With Teachers at Parent Teacher Conferences

While students got the day off of school, parents and teachers met on October 22 for parent teacher conferences.

The parents met with their children’s teachers to discuss and go over their child’s grades and how they have been performing in school.

“I think they’re a good way for teachers to talk to students’ parents,” Trayce Blas ‘23 said. “You would think that parents would want to hear how their children are doing in school and how they behave in school.”

This year’s parent teacher conferences had some differences like requiring parents to wear facemasks while in the school and also allowing for online meetings between parents and teachers.

“I feel like parent teacher conferences are not as necessary as they used to be especially when parents have access to powerschool everyday,” math teacher Julie Petersen said. “I also have 109 students so it is hard to meet with the parents of all my students.”

Fables and Folktales

The First Grade Students at Central, in their Knowledge Unit, have been studying Fables and Folktales from different countries. Several high school students from Ms. Davidson’s Honors One Class came to Central to read some of their favorite folktales and fables to the first graders. It was a great experience for all!

Heidi Miller Receives Jeffs’ Best Award!

The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff.On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Heidi Miller, FHS Office Secretary, as the recipient of the October Jeffs’ Best Award this school year!

Here was the nomination statement:

“Heidi has been with the school for 13 years. She is really good with everyone that walks into the office at the high school. No matter how rough her day is she still has a smile on her face. It’s going to be hard to find someone like her and someone that loves the kids as much as she does. It’s going to be hard to see her leave in nov. I have seen Heidi cheer up so many kids in the past few months that I have been working for the school. Heidi is always there to help out anyone or she will be there to vent too. Good luck with everything Heidi.” She is a very deserving recipient!

Attendance Matters: Connected, Present, Engaged, Supported

The mission of the Nebraska Department of Education is to lead and support the preparation of all Nebraskans for learning, earning, and living. As Nebraska schools navigate the complicated transition into the fall, students must be connected, present, engaged, and supported across all learning modalities. Attendance was critical before COVID-19. Now attendance and access look different. The purpose of this document is to outline helpful resources and considerations for parents, families, and providers.

Read More Here

Images and Highlights From the 2020 Softball Regular Season

Fairbury Jeff softball took on the Wilber-Clatonia Wolverines at home on Thursday, Oct. 1 for the program’s last regular season game, pulling away with a 9-0 win. The competition comes before subdistrict play at home on Monday, Oct. 5 in a pool with Centennial, Highway 91 and Pierce. The victor of these four teams will go on to play in a best-of-three district final this Friday.

Read More on the FPS Blazer Site

Be a Flu Fighter!

Public Health Solutions would like to encourage everyone to help become a Flu Fighter.   When more people get the flu shot, many less people will become sick with the flu and so there will be less people spreading influenza to others.    This is especially important if you are around babies or the elderly.  Most healthy school age children may not experience complications to flu, but could risk exposing an elderly grandparent or baby brother/sister to the virus.   The elderly and infants under 6 months of age are at a greater risk to have serious complications.

We do plan on following the State’s procedure of only having injectable vaccine.    This means no flu mist will be available.   Please be certain to talk to your child so they are aware that they will be getting the shot again this year.

Public Health Solutions District Health Department will again be offering flu immunization clinics for students at your school.    Prior to the start of clinics, students will bring home consent forms and fact sheets explaining the importance of getting the flu immunization.  As parents or guardians, you are encouraged to read the information carefully, complete and sign the consent form and send it back to school with your student.

One lucky student will be a double winner!   Not only will they have received protection against the flu by getting a flu shot they will also be entered into a drawing.    Public Health Solutions will enter all students who return a completed permission form AND get the flu shot the day of the school clinic into a drawing for a $25.00 gift card.     One lucky name from each school district will be drawn at the end of the school clinic day.

Public Health Solutions District Health Department will be at your school on Wednesday, October 3, 2018.  For more information, contact your school health office, or Public Health Solutions at 402-826-3880.

Three Actions to Fight Flu this Flu Season.
Flu is a serious contagious disease that can lead to hospitalization and even death. You have the power to protect yourself and your family this season with these three actions to fight flu.

  1. Get a flu vaccine. Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine by the end of October, if possible. A yearly flu vaccine is the first and most important step in protecting against the flu. The Annual SKIP Flu Clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at your school.
  2. Take everyday actions to stop the spread of germs. Try to avoid close contact with sick people, and if you become sick, limit your contact with others. When possible, stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  3. Take flu antiviral drugs if your doctor prescribes them. If you get the flu, prescription medicine called antiviral drugs can be used to treat flu illness. Antiviral drugs can make illness milder and shorten the time you are sick. They may also prevent serious flu complications  Learn more about how you can fight flu this season.

Covid-19 Can’t Stop Homecoming

With everything Covid related students and community members were unsure of whether the 2020 homecoming parade would be able to take place this year. Although the parade looked a little bit different, the town of Fairbury was able to make it happen.

This years Homecoming parade was held on Friday, September 25, in downtown Fairbury. The theme for this year was “Out of this World”. Children and adults lined the streets of the square to watch the floats drive by. Because of restrictions from covid, candy was not allowed to be thrown out to children that watched the parade. Instead, those riding the floats waved at community members who came to watch.

There were a total of 26 floats that participated in the parade this year. Some floats that participated in the Homecoming parade included local businesses, sports teams, and organizations. The Fairbury softball parents won the prestigious award for best float. The float captured the “Out of this World” theme to its entirety. Parents dressed as aliens, and Coach Ryan Evans was a NASA Astronaut.

This years 2020 class representatives and Homecoming candidates also made an appearance at the parade. Class representatives included Lily Davis ’24 and Riley Arner ’24, Cora Tatro ’23 and Connor Gerths ’23, Anna York ’22 and Zane Grizzle. Homecoming candidates were the very last to ride through the parade. As usual, the candidates rode in topless jeeps and waved to those who watched as they made their way around the square in anticipation for the coronation. Homecoming candidates consisted of Seniors Mallonee Biehl, Maggie Layton, Brynn Novotny, Ellie Ohlde, Keely Schramm, Joshua Robertson, Payton Firmanik, Dylan Starr, Riley Wood, and Lane Zabokrtsky.

After the parade, class representatives and Homecoming candidates were introduced and they made their way to the steps of the court house. It was announced that this year’s Homecoming King was Joshua Robertson and Homecoming Queen was Ellie Ohlde. Last year’s Homecoming King and Queen Bret Cole ’20 and Kennedy DeBoer ’20 attended the coronation to crown the King and Queen.

“My favorite part during the parade was seeing all the little kids that went to daycare waving and talking to me,” Homecoming Queen Ellie Ohlde ’21 said. “I was surprised and honored that my school wanted me to be homecoming queen.”

Following the Coronation and parade was the Homecoming football game against Falls City and the Homecoming dance held at the Fairbury Elks Lodge.

Link to the original article in the FHS Blazer

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