Students Demonstrate Sales Techniques

Intro to Business students had the opportunity to practice their sales techniques in class on Friday, September 25.  Students learned about sales tactics during the marketing unit and applied their knowledge by giving a sales demonstration of a product of their choosing to the rest of the class.  Students enjoyed playing the role of the consumer as well and challenged each other with questions about the products.

Flowcharts ~ Visualizing Proofs

Geometry proofs can be extra challenging for students.  Even parents remember solving proofs when they were in school.  Paragraph proofs and two column proofs can be simplified by making them visual with a flowchart proof.

Students in Mrs. Petersen’s geometry class assembled their knowledge of congruent angles (vertical, alternate interior, angle bisector) and congruent segments (midpoint, isosceles triangle, reflexive, parallelogram) to prove triangles are congruent.  All the needed information was given for students to cut and paste in the right order.  Then arrows can show the flow through the process.

Although still challenging, students worked hard and found success.  At the end of class Mrs. Petersen said, “I can hear your brains getting exhausted.”  It is rewarding to see the skills of the first month of school assembled in to one problem.  One of the students in class replied, “I think I actually understand flowcharts!  It was easier than I expected.”

With all of the cutting and pasting, students saved paper by recycling (better known as reusing) old softball game programs.

See pictures below for examples of their work.IMG_1861 IMG_1863 IMG_1864 IMG_1865 IMG_1866

Geometry Students Discover Yoga

Geometry students discover yoga poses aid in their understanding. While studying congruent triangles the class was saying “Side Angle Side”. These spatial relationships can be studied while experiencing a yoga pose such as triangle or side angle.

Taking this adventure outside, students were grounded and balanced as they tried something new. After big smiles and a few giggles, the triangle pose was attempted.

Rielee asked, “Can we do this more often?” The mental and physical benefits of yoga will become more frequent in geometry class.

Model Yoga Pose
Model Yoga Pose
Our Try At It
Our Try At It

Don’t Let the Flu Rule!

Get your flu vaccine, once a year every year. Flu season is almost here, Public Health Solutions District Health Department will be offering flu vaccine clinics for students at your school. Prior to the start of clinics, students will be bringing home consent forms and fact sheets – this will explain the importance of getting the flu vaccine this year. Parents and/or guardians are encouraged to read all the information carefully, complete and sign the consent form. Send forms back to school with your student. Public Health Solutions District Health Department will be at your school on Wednesday, October 7th. This program is brought to the community by support from United Health Community Plan and Public Health Solutions. For more information, contact your school health office, or Public Health Solutions at 888-310-0565

Flu Vaccination Form


If you are a high achieving senior student who requires financial assistance in order to attend college you should apply for The Hagan Scholarship.  You could be awarded up to $10,000/yr for four years if awarded.  Apply at

Star Spangled Banner National Sing-a-long

Our students at Jefferson were among many in our nation that took part in a national sing-a-long event to remember those that were lost in the attacks on 9/11.  At 12:00 (C.T.) students stopped what they were doing and sang The Star Spangled Banner all together.

Mrs. Bigley and Mrs. Erikson took time in music class to teach our students how to sing The Star Spangled Banner.  They also taught the students the history behind why it was written and the meaning of much of the vocabulary in the lyrics.

13 Colonies

Eighth graders in Mrs. Engle-Evan’s class learned about the 13 colonies using technology instead of just a paper pencil report.   Students chose a colony and conducted Web research using the research tool in Google slides. They also used a Google App. called Movenote to record their voice and turn their presentation into a movie.   You can view an example of their finished product here:  Example 1  Example 2


FBLA Pink Out

The Fairbury vs. Wilber-Clatonia softball game on Monday, October 5 and football game on Friday, October 9 are the dates for FBLA’s fifth annual Pink Out. The two FBLA chapters are teaming up for a Pink Out week to promote awareness and raise funds for the American Cancer Society. The support of numerous business sponsors will help to defray the cost of the shirts, allowing greater profits for donation. T-shirts should be pre-ordered by September 16. Order forms are available in the high school office or on the school website. Orders can also be placed during lunch through September 16. Shirts are $10 each, and are available in youth and adult sizes. Forms and money should be returned to Melissa Dux at the high school by September 16.

Online Order Form

Scavenger Hunt for Vocabulary


Geometry students participated in a scavenger hunt for vocabulary words.  With a partner and a list of 34 words, students recalled the definition and hunted for an example.  The Fairbury Athletic Complex and Track provided numerous opportunities for points, lines and planes as well as parallel or perpendicular lines and all sizes of angles.  It took a little more time to find specific triangles.  According to Delainey, “The hardest vocabulary word to find today was an equiangular triangle.”
Students completed the outdoor adventure with a moment of community service – picking up trash around the stadium.
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