Pythagorean Theorem? Easy as A,B,C!

Geometry students in Mrs. Julie Petersen’s class reviewed the Pythagorean Theorem with paper and pencil, calculators and Chromebooks.  After solving a problem, students checked their answer with a QR code reader.  This instant feedback of right and wrong answers allows students to quickly learn from any mistakes and make valuable progress with an essential skill.  The Pythagorean Theorem is the most well known and most often used formula in mathematics.  Do you remember it?  It’s as easy as a, b, c.


Students as Teachers

Ms. Engle´s 8th Grade Exploratory Careers class, just finished learning about the Education and Training Cluster.  The students then chose something that they would like to teach the class to do.  The class learned how to make a duct tape bow tie, lava lamp, playdough and paper airplanes, just to name a few.

CTSO Recruitment Party

As the new school year gets underway, clubs and organizations are getting started up again too. The FFA, SkillsUSA, FBLA and FCCLA clubs held a recruitment party at the Fairbury Country Club. There was swimming, pizza, and rootbeer floats for the new and returning members. As the night started to wind down, each club had a representative of their organization try to persuade newcomers to join.  It was a fun night full of food and laughter.


FFA Trash Pickup

The Fairbury FFA Chapter kicked off the year by serving their community. On Saturday, August 20th, seventeen FFA members teamed up to pick up a three mile stretch of trash west of Fairbury along highway 136.  This is an annual community service event for the chapter as they pick up trash once during the fall time and once during the spring time.  After the roadsides were picked up, Mr.Dux grilled some hotdogs for the members who helped out with the community activity.  This was a great start to the year and provided a fun time of fellowship for the members that participated.

1st Friday Art Walk

FHS art students were chalking the walks for the 1st Friday Art Walk in downtown Fairbury.  The students chose to reproduce works of the great masters. They were on display for the weekend.

It’s All About Service!

8th grade American History students did a service learning project in class today. Each class went down to the football complex to pull weeds stuck in the chain link fence.

7th Graders Conduct Experiments

Mrs. Winter’s 7th grade science class has been learning about experimental design. To put what they learned into action, students designed and conducted individual experiments- and in the process discovered just how easy it is to look cool wearing safety goggles! They enjoyed getting their hands messy.

Common Sense Media Essential Creativity Guide

Link to Common Sense Media Essential Creativity Guide

Kids are naturally creative. Whether they’re using pen and paper or a stylus and an iPad, kids find surprising ways to build, craft, and design. Help foster their interest in art, science, music, and construction by offering them a variety of tools to inspire and delight. These hand-selected educational apps, games, and websites each have the potential to unleash creativity, especially with the support of a parent or teacher. Have fun!


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