Jeffs Bring Home Hardware From the State Meet

by Destini Warnke

The 2016-2017 wrestling season broke a lot of records. One of the many was sending eight wrestlers to the state meet breaking the record of seven tied last year and set in 2013.

The Jeffs medaled three wrestlers. Damian Green ‘17 became the first Jeff wrestler to to wrestle in the finals since 2002. Green placed 2nd in 160.

Jacob Johnson earned 5th in 170, and Logan Slater earned 6th in 132.

Wrestlers who also qualified for the state meet include Austin Barnts ‘18 (126), Anthony Moyer ‘17 (152), Patrick Ondrak ‘17 (182), Zach Reikofski ‘18 (195), and Paul Mach ‘17 (285).

Hands on Learning in Science

Mrs. E. Winter’s 7th grade science class is currently learning about different body systems. Students got to see real pig lungs inflated and compared healthy lungs and smoker’s lungs. Students were surprised how light, spongy and porous the lungs were and gained a new appreciation for their own hard working organs.

They are also learning about organ systems in the human body. While learning about the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) students got to experience 4 different learning centers throughout the room. The different stations included a CSI blood splatter lab, heart dissection and vascular system demonstration and blood simulation tub. Students enjoyed digging in and learning first-hand about how their bodies work!

FHS Band Retires White Concert Jackets

The FHS Band is currently selling their retired white concert jackets for $5. If you would like a piece of FHS Band history, please contact Maureen Beck at or (402) 729-6116 ext. 1304. All proceeds from the sales of the coats will be put toward the purchase of new band equipment and supplies.

Students Selected for 2017 Honor Choir

Congratulations to Abigail Judd, Leah Mach, Josi Mans, and Tyler Tucker for being selected for the 2017 Meridian Honor Choir!

And congratulations to Hailie Nicholson for being selected for the 2017 Meridian Honor Band!
More proof of the awesome and talented students we have here in Fairbury!

Nine FHS Students Attend Kansas Wesleyan Honor Band

Nine students from Fairbury High School were selected to attend the Smoky Hills Winds Festival held at Kansas Wesleyan University in Salina, Kansas on Saturday, February 11 and Sunday, February 12. Students enjoyed two days of rehearsals led by Teresa Purcell, Doctoral Wind Band Conducting Candidate from Oklahoma State University. Kansas Wesleyan Director of Bands, Dr. Sarah Bernard-Stevens, a Nebraska-native, coordinated the festival. Students attending were: Ashley Griffee, Jerod Hughes, Traislynn Nicholson, Jordan Ruhnke, Zaccary Snyder, Kaylee Sipek, Alexis Tracy, Megg Vaughn, and Hannah Yantz. Zacc Snyder and Megg Vaughn were recognized for their fourth year of participating in the honor band.



FHS Students Discover Pi

Geometry students measure the circumference and diameter of circles to discover pi.  These FHS student replicated what the mathematician, Archimedes, did to discover pi in 210 BC.  Many estimates of pi exist, such as 3.14 and 22/7.  The never ending, never repeating number is used in calculations such as area and circumference of circles.  As a Greek letter, students can be intimidated by pi.  Practice and life application will build confidence in the use of such an important number.

Business Students Analyze #SuperBowl Ads

Intro to Business class joined other business students in Fairbury as well as across the country in analyzing the Super Bowl Ads via an organized chat on Twitter.  The day after the Super Bowl, students across the country viewed the Super Bowl Ads during class and tweeted their thoughts as they watched them.  Using hashtags, students were able to view other students’ responses to the commercials.

Students were able to gain further knowledge about the business and marketing side of the Super Bowl. Class discussions and tweets centered around analyzing the target market of the commercials, the type of appeal being used in each ad, and of course which ones were the students’ favorites/least favorites. By participating in this activity, students were exposed to Twitter/Social media etiquette and shown the genuine value of using Twitter for educational and professional purposes. This activity also allowed students to see a wider perspective  and helped them practice good digital citizenship.

Newton’s Three Laws of Motion

While studying Newton’s three laws of motion, students in Miss Feldkamp’s 8th grade science class designed and constructed balloon powered cars. Students were given a variety of supplies including tape, glue, cardboard, straws, popsicle sticks, wooden skewers, CD’s, etc. The objective was to build a balloon powered car for maximum speed and distance. Students did an excellent job and the results were impressive! One car traveled over 9 meters!

True Treasure Hunt

“The high school and 7th grade vocal music classes recently had a True Treasure Hunt. Instead of hunting for objects, they hunted for people who help make our school great! We wrote and delivered thank you notes to administrators, teachers, and support staff. Anyone who helps bring Jeff Pride!
Thanks to everyone at Fairbury Public Schools for all you do to help our students grow and succeed! Thanks to all the parents and families for supporting students! And thanks for your continued support of the music department!”
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