Students Break Out and Learn About Earth Day

Fairbury High School juniors in Mrs. Julie Petersen’s standards math class shouted expressions of success on Wednesday, April 25th, as they worked together to solve math questions and unlock their team box.  Working with data involving Earth Day and recycling, students completed research, answered numerous questions and opened four locks.  After opening the directional lock,  Mrs. Karen Dux told Olivia, Jade and Paige that “Collaboration is one of the most important skills of the 21st century.”  When you think out loud, the ideas start to flow and connect, directing you to success.

Teammates encouraged one another saying “You got it girl!  See how we need you?!”
Inspired by Earth Day that began April 22, 1970, this week students are answering the Project Based Learning question “How can one teenager make a difference in our local, national and global environment?”  One person can influence all of the data!

Fairbury Job Fair

Please see the flyer for all details! We encourage you to spread the word! Employers enjoy having students attend and are looking to hire them, especially for summer jobs!

TeamMates Attend Spring Game

15 TeamMates in Fairbury helped set the school’s the spring game attendance record on Saturday, April 21st. A total of 86,818 people gathered to watch the Red and White game, making Nebraska number one nationally in attendance for spring games this year. Before the game, they honored seniors in TeamMates at a special ceremony at Haymarket Park, where graduating seniors and their mentors walked across home plate together.

Top, Left to Right: Mark Schoenrock, Deb Ebke, Dannie Gasper, Natalie Julin-McCleary, Alex, and Lexi.

Bottom, Left to Right: Jordan, Aidan, Makena, Megan, Sophie, Shelby, and Jayleigh. Not Pictured: Chad Sprunk & Tiffany Ebke

Students Attend State FBLA Leadership Conference

17 members attended the FBLA State Leadership Conference on April 5-7 in Omaha.  The Fairbury FBLA represented FHS very well and had 5 people place Honorable Mention in their events and 2 place in the top 8 of their respective events.
It’s extremely difficult to make it on stage during the State Leadership Conference, with the whole state participating on the same level.  With that being said, it’s a huge honor to make it on stage and takes hard work.  Congratulations to all FBLA members on an outstanding year!

Jacob Johnson, Macy Ohlde, Isaac Robertson- 6th Place American Enterprise
Macy Ohlde- 7th Place Health Care Administration
Jacob Johnson- Honorable Mention Sports Entertainment and Management
Josh Robertson- Honorable Mention Intro to Financial Math & Middle Level Bus. Math
Isaac Robertson- Honorable Mention Community Service Project
Mikasa Lierman- Honorable Mention Journalism
Kacy Starck- Honorable Mention Middle Level Career Exploration
Jayson Klaumann Honorable Mention Business Communications

Fairbury FFA Members Compete for the District Gold

The Fairbury FFA Chapter had 35 members compete at the 2018 District 5 Career Development Events (CDE) Contest on Tuesday, March 6th at Southeast Community College in Beatrice.  These 35 members represented Fairbury FFA well by competing in a variety of contests but came up against some stiff competition in the district.  Fairbury FFA did have some individual success as Sara Huss placed 1st in Ag Biotechnology, Ashlee Griffee placed 3rd in Agronomy and Jared Engelman received a 3rd place medal in Nursery and Landscape.  Below is a complete list of all the team and individual results for the Fairbury FFA Chapter members that competed in the District 5 CDE contests.

The welding contest consists of a team of three members where one member has to Oxygen-Acetylene (O/A) weld, one member has to Shielded Metal Arc Weld (SMAW), and one member has to Gas Metal Arc Weld (GMAW).  Fairbury had two welding teams compete in the district contest with team one consisting of Brock Barton who received a purple ribbon in the O/A division, Jacob Maschmann who received a red ribbon in the GMAW division, and Jesse Graves who received a purple ribbon in the SMAW division. The second team consisted of Trevin Arnold who received a red ribbon in the O/A division,  Dalton Peterson who received a red ribbon in the SMAW division and John Kerwood received a purple ribbon in the GMAW division.  The Fairbury welding team placed 4th overall in the district 5 welding competition.  John Kerwood, Jesse Graves and Brock Barton will represent Fairbury FFA at the 2018 Nebraska State FFA Convention.

The Agronomy team placed 2nd overall and consisted of Ashlee Griffee who recieved a Purple ribbon, Micheala Buchli who received a purple ribbon, Delaney Miller who received a red ribbon, and Tori Likens who received a blue ribbon.  They will represent Fairbury at the state FFA convention.

The Agriscience team two consisted of Harlie Blas and Cashe Kroll who received a blue ribbon and Sarah Engelman who received a red ribbon.  The Agriscience one team consisted of Riley Wood, Taylor Gustafson, Konnor Hasselbring, and Brooklen Bear who all received a red ribbon.

The Ag Sales team placed 4th and qualified for the state FFA convention.  The team consisted of John Kerwood and Devin Wanamaker who received blue ribbons and Kennedy DeBoer and Dalton Peterson who received red ribbons.

Fairbury FFA was represented by one Meats team that consisted of Taylor Runge receiving a Blue Ribbon and Kane Hasselbring, Jared Engelman, and Colton Starck receiving a red ribbon.

The Floriculture team placed 3rd overall and qualified for the state FFA convention. Team members include Jordan Ruhnke and Shavara Kroeker who received a purple ribbons and Brooklen Bear and Paige Livingston who received a blue ribbon.

The Livestock Management team one finished with a red ribbon. Team one consisted of Delaney Miller, Tori Likens, Trevin Arnold, Sarah McCown, Kane Hasselbring . Team two also received a red ribbon and consisted of Taylor Runge, Josie Junker, Colton Starck, Zach Holes, and Logan Slater.

Fairbury was represented by a Vet Science team that placed 5th overall with the team consisting of Paige Livingston who received a purple ribbon, Miranda Heidemann and Sarah McCown receiving a blue ribbon and Jordan Ruhnke receiving a red ribbon.

Fairbury FFA had one Natural Resource team.  This team consisted of Trevin Arnold who placed who received a purple ribbon, Jesse Graves and Jacob Maschmann who received a blue ribbon, and Brock Barton who received a red ribbon.

Fairbury FFA was represented by one Nursery and Landscape team who placed 3rd overall. The team consisted of Jared Engelman who received a purple ribbon and Riley Wood, Harlie Blas and Autumn Branson who received a blue ribbon.

The Fairbury FFA was represented by one Ag Biotech team that placed 3rd overall. The team consisted of Sara Huss placing 1st and receiving a purple ribbon, Autumn Branson and Devin Wanamaker receiving blue ribbons, and Bret Cole receiving a red ribbon.

It was a great day for the Fairbury FFA Chapter and all members had a great experience in developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.

Road Trip

Fairbury High School juniors in Mrs. Julie Petersen’s Standards Math class are planning a road trip!  Project Based Learning is defined as “A teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge.”  The big idea question is “Where do I want to go on my road trip after school is dismissed for the summer?”  This group of students get to spend $2000 on a road trip to three landmarks.  They are expected to not only budget their money for landmark entrance fees, souvenirs, car rental, hotels, and food, but also calculate mileage using MapQuest, miles per gallon for their chosen rental car, and the total cost of gasoline using the national average per gallon.  Writing across the curriculum is also a requirement for this project as students reflect on their research and write a paragraph for each destination.
Mrs. Karen Dux, Fairbury Public School’s technology integration specialist, visited classes to teach how to tell a story on a user friendly app called Tour Builder.  Jessa said, “It’s actually really easy to create a story about my road trip.”  Mrs. Petersen is pleased with how students can show what they know from this PBL.  Brandon is engaged in class work time stating, “I really like this project.  And I want to plan a road trip for this summer.”
This PBL is helping math students improve their proficiency at the following Nebraska Standards and apply these lessons to life: 12.1.3d, 12.2.5b, 12.2.5d.
Student presentations will be on Tuesday, April 17th if parents would like to attend.  View the student presentations by clicking on the link below:


Freshmen Attend Hastings College

The Freshmen Class was able to visit Hastings College yesterday as part of the EducationQuest College Access Grant that Fairbury High School was awarded a year ago.  Students were able to tour the campus facilities, dorms, classrooms, and even eat lunch in the cafeteria. The visit allows students to see what different types of college campuses have to offer.  

Indirect Measurement of Height

Geometry students calculated the height of the classroom ceiling and the hallway.  Cooperative groups of four students each fulfilled their responsibility to measure three segments and solve for a missing value.  Using similar triangles theorem Angle-Angle-Similarity allowed students to set up a proportion.  This is an indirect measurement of height since we didn’t actually get a ladder and measure the wall.  
Students appreciate the hands-on application of lessons to life.  We do many story problems, but today students also had to read the tape measure!

Trying to Save Lives

On 3-20-18 Officer Charlie Cook,  Officer Tim Pickering  and Paul Aden of Fairbury came to speak to Mr. Scott’s Driver’s Education class.  The officers came and showed the students what can happen if seatbelts are not worn and you are involved in an accident.  The point was to instill in the students that wearing seat belts saves lives statistically.  There were some videos shown and quite a few actual photos taken right here in Jefferson county of accident victims.  Some were pretty hard to look at but the fact remains, when you get behind the wheel of a car, you are in charge of a very heavy object.  Students also learned that speed is a major factor in accidents as well.  Students got the opportunity to also try to walk a straight line wearing what some call the drunk goggles.  The goggles were to simulate a certain Blood Alcohol Content or BAC.

Students also got to sit in a huge truck that was brought to the school by Paul Aden of Fairbury.  Paul has been very helpful over the years to help out with parades, floats and is always ready to help.  Paul talked about semis and how they have bigger blind spots than regular passenger vehicles.  He stressed to the students to be aware of where you are in relation to a truck making a right or left turn.
I want to thank both the Nebraska State Patrol, and Paul Aden for their continued support to the Fairbury Driver’s Education program.
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