Matsiko Orphan Children’s Choir Coming to Fairbury


Born from a heart for every forgotten child in the unreached corners of the world, the International Children’s Network (ICN) began it’s choir program in 2008 with the first US tour of the Matsiko Children’s Choir.  This choir was the first step toward bringing children together from the various countries in which ICN provides sponsorship.  After the choir’s resounding success, the Matsiko World Orphan Choir was created with children from Peru and Liberia, who shared their lives and culture through song and dance, and connected their hearts with audiences across the United States.  This year, children from India were also granted permission to travel with Matsiko, and the choir continues annually with new children auditioning and performing every year. 

Matsiko is a Ugandan word for “hope”.  This word embodies both the children and the songs that they sing.  Through the Matsiko World Orphan Choir, thousands of children will be reached with the hope of a brighter future.  Proceeds generated by the choir tour and merchandise sales go directly to support ICN’s worldwide programs, including life-changing educational sponsorship that affords orphaned children a chance at a university degree. The Matsiko children absolutely love to share the gift of life, love and hope that they’ve received through the support of sponsors — people just like you!

Click here to meet this year’s amazing choir!

FHS Students Selected for NCDA Honor Choirs

Ashley Sanchez, Kodey Swartz, and Brook Tatro were 3 of 70 students selected statewide to be a part of the 2019 NCDA Middle Level Honor Choir (grades 7-9) this summer. The clinician this year is Ryan Beeken, who proudly serves as director of Choral Studies at Indiana University of Pennsylvania where he conducts the University Chorale, Chorus, and Chamber Singers. In addition, he teaches graduate and undergraduate choral conducting and supervises student teachers. Beeken also serves as artistic director for the Blair Concert Chorale, whose mission includes fostering a growing appreciation of quality choral music for the population of south central Pennsylvania.
Sophomore Hailie Nicholson was selected for the first-ever NCDA All-State Honor Choir. The inaugural clinician is Nebraska native, and NCDA veteran, Dr. Matt Hill. Dr. Hill is the Director of Choral Activities at Peru State, and is the founder of Sing Omaha. Matt is well known in our state, and brings energy, excitement, and expertise to the podium. Students will enjoy the repertoire and will be engaged through the rehearsal experience as they sing with this auditioned 60-voice concert ensemble; the first of its kind in NCDA history.
The NCDA Conference will take place at Doane University from July 7-10. Please congratulate these students on this awesome achievement!

Students Selected for Awards

Several students received American Legion Awards during the Fairbury Junior High School Awards Ceremony: Pictured are Guy Shalla, Trenton Ruhnke (1st Place Boy), Cora Tatro (1st Place Girl), Ellie Livingston (2nd Place Girl) and Trayce Blass (2nd Place Boy), Doug Kapke.

Citizenship Awards

The following 8th graders received the citizenship awards: Emily Huss, Allison Davis, Brant Gillham and Daxton Snook.

Daughters of the American Revolution Award

Jacob Torkelson was the recipient of the Daughters of the American Revolution Award for deep appreciation of American History. Nancy Bettin presented the award.

Jr. High State Track

The following students were invited to participate in the Junior High State Track Meet last weekend at Gothenburg: Alex Lutz, James Olds, Devon Carel,  Emily Huss, & Mikya Lierman.  Devon Carel earned 5th place medals in the 800 and the high jump.

Students Learn While Racing

Mr. Scott’s Trades class built and raced their CO2 cars.  The goal for the students is to learn about the design process.  They also get to study Orthographic Projection and working drawings. 

Students came up with at least five thumbnail drawings, a more detailed design sketch and a full scale final drawing of the top and right side of their cars. They then had to drill the axle holes and cut them out on the bandsaw, all while following the state SkillsUSA rules for building the dragsters. 

This year we built an above ground race track, and this helped out tremendously.  The kids didn’t have to lay down on the dirty dusty floor in the woodshop and they had less misfires or re-races. 

The cars are propelled down a track on 30 Lb fishing string.  The string keeps them in line and guides them down the track.  It’s a lot of fun for the kids and they all got involved, some being pretty competitive.  I have seen cars that come in all shapes, sizes and colors. 

I encourage anyone to stop by and watch them race.  We will be racing close to the last day of school.  The kids also make a double elimination race bracket on the Internet and this keeps things organized.  I encourage all trades classes to think about joining SkillsUSA next year.  SkillsUSA is a national organization that is geared to supplying the USA with a skilled labor force.  STS, or Skilled Technical Sciences, is a growing field right now.  We still need workers that can fix, build, and problem solve.  Learning is fun and so is SkillsUSA.

Six Lady Jeffs Headed to State Track Meet

The Fairbury Girls track team competed in the B-3 District at Beatrice High School on May 9, 2019.  The girls competed very well in one of the most difficult Class B districts in the state and came home with a third place finish as a team.  The team had 7 personal records for the year and came back with four sixth place medals, two fifth place medals , two fourth place medals, one third place medal, two second place medals, and two first place medals.  Fairbury will be represented by six girls at the State Meet in Omaha: Mikasa Lierman, Sara Huss, Josephine Blatny, Cora DeBoer, Mikwena Lierman and Ellie Ohlde.

The day started with Ellie Ohlde setting a new school record vaulting 9’4”, earning a second place finish and punching her ticket to Omaha.  Ohlde also competing in the 3200 Meter Relay with Josephine Blatny, Mikasa Lierman and Mikwena Lierman. They ran a time of 10:31 and place third.  After a long wait on other districts around the state, we found out that they were the top additional time and qualified for the State Meet.

Then Sara Huss threw 139’  in her preliminary throws in discus hitting the automatic qualifying mark.  She went on to become the B-3 District Champion. She also ran a blazing time of 1:00.94 in the open 400 Meter Dash claiming another District gold medal.  Huss went on to compete in the 200 meter dash and came in fourth in a very tough contest. She was a top additional qualifier with the time of 27.04.

The Lady Jeffs ended the day with a strong performance in the 1600 meter relay.  Sara Huss, Cora Deboer, Mikwena Lierman and Mikasa Lierman ran a season best of 4:19.74 and came home with a runner up finish to qualify for state.

These six individuals will be competing at Burke Stadium in Omaha on May 17th and 18th.  

May 17th:

3:00:  3200 Meter Relay and Girls Discus

3:30:  GIrls Pole Vault

5:15:  400 Meter Dash Preliminary

7:35:  200 Meter Dash Preliminary

May 18th

12:55:  400 Meter Dash FInals

3:25:  200 Meter Dash Finals

3:55:  1600 Meter Rela

Spring Concert Features Many Goodbyes

Brynn Novotny 9 May 2019 – Link to original article on the FHS X-Ray

The annual Spring Concert included performances from the various instrumental and vocal groups of FHS in the Burkley Fine Arts Center on Tuesday, May 7.

Saxophone players Josi Mans ’21 and Dylan Starr ’21 follow along in their music while listening to the rest of the band to stay on time. “We have been preparing for the concert by rehearsing during our class time for the past couple of weeks following District Music Contest,” Band Director Maureen Halama said. Photo by: J. Johnson

The Spring Concert took time to recognize and honor the seniors partaking in their last performance before graduation. Contrary to previous years, the music department also said farewell to its band director. Maureen Halama, known by many for several years as Ms. Beck, will be departing from Fairbury next school year after taking a position in her hometown of Wilber.

“Knowing this was my last concert in Fairbury was very bittersweet,” Mrs. Halama said. “I have enjoyed so many things about being the band director at FHS. I have been richly blessed with the opportunity to teach great kids in a super district with wonderful colleagues and supporters. I have loved every minute of my time here and am so sad to leave but excited for a new adventure at Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools.”

Also affected were band students of all classes. Mrs. Halama’s action in the community and her personality are two aspects of the director that many individuals appreciate.

“I really enjoyed performing with [Mrs. Halama] and I’m really gonna miss her,” Makenzie Mills ’23 said. “It was really hard not to cry knowing that she’s leaving us. We tried our very best to make sure her last concert went well.”

Also saying farewell to FHS were the various seniors involved in music. Many have contributed their talents since first starting in sixth grade or junior high. This commitment made it difficult for directors and underclassmen to part with them.

“Each year gets harder to see great seniors graduate, but this year was especially difficult because they were my first group of sixth grade band students,” Mrs. Halama said. “They’ve all done great things to build up the band program and I’m so proud of all of them! They will be greatly missed by me and the rest of the band.”

Mrs. Halama oversaw the Ukulele Club, junior high and high school bands and jazz band performances. Other acts included junior high choirs, Crimson Elite, and the high school choir. Certain pieces have been in the works since before the District Music Contest back in April and have had extra time to perfect.

“We have been preparing by singing through all our pieces and going back to parts where we need to work on,” High School Choir Member Brittyn Wentz ’21 said. “I think it went very well. My favorite part of the night was being able to sing with all the seniors in their last concert one last time.”

Vocal Director Joseph Fitzgerald awards credit to a junior high choir following a piece. Mr. Fitzgerald also oversaw Crimson Elite and the high school choir. Photo by: B. Novotny

Vocal Director Joseph Fitzgerald oversaw the various choirs. For each group, he selected one “Most Improved” member and one “Most Outstanding” member from each grade. Wentz received the latter for the sophomore class.

Jayson Klaumann ’19 accepts the award for “Most Outstanding” for the senior class during the high school choir’s portion of the concert. Klaumann also performed with Crimson Elite, the high school band and the jazz band. Photo by: B. Novotny

“It felt great!” Wentz said. “I was honestly not expecting it at all so it was a bit of a surprise to me.”

The Spring Concert was the last of its kind for the 2018-19 school year. The high school band and choir will each be performing pieces at the graduation on Sunday, May 12.

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