Students Share the Joy of Giving

Hoy llevamos las donaciones a Hope Crisis.  Students in Mrs. Johnson’s Spanish class collected donations for the Hope Crisis Center. Gracias FHS students and staff that donated! Gracias Izze and Jaelle for organizing the drive and to Dr. Johnson for generously providing the prizes for our student drawing!

Students Graphing Linear Equations

Students in Kristi Peterson’s algebra class and worked on graphing linear equations using the slope-intercept method. We placed a giant coordinate plane on the gym floor. This helps students see where they need to be on the graph. The activity involves cooperation and discussion. Plus, it is fun to do something different. What a great group of students! Thanks much to Coach Garfield and Coach Steinhoff for sharing the gym today! #Jeffpride

Free Throw Contest

Date: January 12 Time: 1:00PM.

Location: Fairbury High School Gym

Guardian must be present to register.

Please bring copy of birth certificate.

Cory Schweitzer Receives Jeffs’ Best Award!

The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public School Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff.

On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Mr. Cory Schweitzer as our first recipient of the “Jeffs’ Best” Award!!

Congratulation Cory!  Some example statements from his nominations, include “Cory works to meet and greet each student every day and students are laughing and smiling after interacting with Cory.”  Another exclaims that “Cory has touched every student with a simple hello, high five and smile.”

We want to thank everyone for their nominations!  The BOE will making a new selection prior to the January meeting.  There will be a short presentation at each month’s board meeting.  Cory will receive a $25 gift certificate and will be eligible for the Jeffs’ Best of the Year Award in May!

Anyone in Jeffland is invited to nominate any Fairbury Public Schools Employee by filling out the form below:


Teamwork activity in Management class today. Who’s tower is taller?

Measurement Review

Students in Mrs. Kristi Peterson’s math skills class worked on measuring. They discussed the increments used in measuring inches and measured various objects around the room. This enhanced their fraction knowledge and refreshed their memory on measurements.

Makerspace Math

Math students in Mrs. Julie Petersen’s classes get to learn by doing. Formulas and theorems have to be discovered! Life application is essential. Mrs. Petersen has brought in many materials to her classroom to help students understand the lesson objectives more deeply and benefit long-term memory. Follow her classes on Twitter with #FHS210.

FBLA visits fourth graders, discusses American Enterprise Week


To raise awareness of American Enterprise Week, members of the FHS FBLA organization visited the fourth graders at Jefferson, on November 12th. Next week the fourth graders will be coming up to the high school to make cookies for the FHS students to buy. American Enterprise Week is about the freedom to start and run any business we choose.

Junior Abby Judd bids off a sucker for an example of American Enterprise Week. In this game they gave the kids paper money and had an auction on how much money they would give for the sucker. Photo by C. York
Sophomore Ethan Smith hands out surveys to the kids to find out what cookies are their favorite. Next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the 4th grade students and FBLA members will be making and selling cookies. Photo by C. York
Senior Jaelle Johnson hands out coloring sheets for the kids to color. They will be hanging them up in the hallways to advertise how they will be selling cookies next week. Photo by C. York

Each cookie is worth 50 cents. Don’t forget to bring your money to school next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to buy cookies and support the FBLA organization.

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