Reading Classics Division II State Champions and Division I Runner Up!

CONGRATULATIONS to the “B Awesome” team of Aldo Ramos, Natalie Heidemann, Heidi Ramos, Toby Julin-McCleary & Adeline Blatny on winning the Division II State Reading Classic Competition!  After many hours and many books these students were put to the challenge Saturday March 24 at the State Reading Classics Competition at Tri-County School. Placing 1st in the semi-final round against 6 other schools they headed into the buzzer round facing Stoddard Elementary from Beatrice. They triumphantly won 5 to 2 in a very intense round of oral questions. We are very proud of their accomplishment. Continue to “B Awesome” & keep reading!

On Saturday, March 24th, the Division I Reading Classics Team traveled to Tri County for State Competition.   After the written competition, Fairbury & Seward were announced as the top two teams. In the final buzzer round, Fairbury fell to Seward with a score of 5-7.  Fairbury students were awarded a State Runner-Up medal and a trophy!!  We are so proud of our excellent readers!!  They have been very motivated throughout the year to read all 78 books!  We would like to thank all of the volunteers who make this event possible!

Reading Classic Division I State Runner-Up Champions are Nic Smith, Abby Hynek, Dominic Joe, Micah Friesen, and Iaunna Lucking.

Trying to Save Lives

On 3-20-18 Officer Charlie Cook,  Officer Tim Pickering  and Paul Aden of Fairbury came to speak to Mr. Scott’s Driver’s Education class.  The officers came and showed the students what can happen if seatbelts are not worn and you are involved in an accident.  The point was to instill in the students that wearing seat belts saves lives statistically.  There were some videos shown and quite a few actual photos taken right here in Jefferson county of accident victims.  Some were pretty hard to look at but the fact remains, when you get behind the wheel of a car, you are in charge of a very heavy object.  Students also learned that speed is a major factor in accidents as well.  Students got the opportunity to also try to walk a straight line wearing what some call the drunk goggles.  The goggles were to simulate a certain Blood Alcohol Content or BAC.

Students also got to sit in a huge truck that was brought to the school by Paul Aden of Fairbury.  Paul has been very helpful over the years to help out with parades, floats and is always ready to help.  Paul talked about semis and how they have bigger blind spots than regular passenger vehicles.  He stressed to the students to be aware of where you are in relation to a truck making a right or left turn.
I want to thank both the Nebraska State Patrol, and Paul Aden for their continued support to the Fairbury Driver’s Education program.

Reading Classics Champions!

Division One Champions at the Jefferson County Reading Classics Competition on March 19th, are team members Micah Friesen, Abby Hynek, Dominic Joe, Nic Smith, and Iaunna Lucking.  They will compete at State Reading Classics on Saturday at Tri County School.   Great Job!!!

Team B came away with a 3rd place win and did an awesome job as well!   Team members are Parker Jacobi , Konrad Kuzelka, Alecia Bedlan, & Madison Haddan.   Not pictured is Brooke Held.  Good job!!!

On March 19th  two Division II teams from Fairbury competed at the Jefferson County Reading Classics Competition. This competition was the culmination of  six months of extensive reading of 84 books for the 10 fifth & sixth graders on the two teams. Both the “B Awesome” team, consisting of team members Aldo & Heidi Ramos, Toby Julin-McCleary, Natalie Heidemann and Adeline Blatny, and the “UR Awesome” team with members, Samantha Starr, Addison Marschman, Eliza Kroeker, Mailee Garner, and Chloe Tracy,  put in a good effort. In the end the “B Awesome’s” were victorious over the other teams from Thayer Central, Meridian, and Fairbury. They will head to Tri-County School March 24th to compete in the State Reading Classics Competition. Good Luck and Well Done Teams!


Nebraska Attorney General Visits FPS

Monday, March 19 was a special day for the 6th grade students at Jefferson Intermediate.  Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson stopped by to visit. Mr. Peterson talked to our students about his job as Attorney General.  He is a lawyer for the State of Nebraska and oversees 70 other lawyers who handle criminal cases across 93 counties. He talked to our students about making good choices with friends and technology.  He shared with them that if he could talk to all parents and students, he would tell them these two pieces of information. Every night whatever computer students use, the computer should be in a place where the screen can be seen by adults at all times.  The other piece of advice he offered was that parents should never allow a young person to take their cell phones to their own rooms. We appreciate that Attorney General Doug Peterson took time out of his very busy schedule to talk to our 6th graders!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Central & Jefferson Family Night, Give the Gift of Reading was held Thursday, March 1st.  Families gathered at the Fairbury Jr/Sr High School to enjoy a pancake supper sponsored by the Fairbury Kiwanis.  Teachers, staff and volunteers operated many Dr. Seuss-based activities.  Students and families enjoyed playing games, making arts & crafts, taking silly Seuss pictures and listening to guest readers.  Each PreK-6 student received a free book from the Kiwanis pancake feed.  It was a SEUSS-tastic night!

Fairbury Beef Month

March has been dubbed “Fairbury Beef Month” at Fairbury Public Schools!  Due to the generous beef donations from Rich & Kitty DeBoer and Mark & Lori DeBoer and the money donations from the Fairbury Chamber of Commerce and Sharon and Jerry Ebke to help cover the cost of processing, we are finally able to kick-off our Farm 2 School program!!  On Tuesday, March 6, 2018 marked our first student lunch using 100%, locally raised beef!  Students and staff enjoyed hamburgers and potato salad/baked beans.  We will be serving Fairbury raised beef each Tuesday during the month of March.  The menu items will be Hamburgers, Beef and Noodles, Tacos and Roast.

Our dream began over a year ago to be able to serve locally raised products in our lunch program.  We held informational meetings where local producers came and learned how we can partner with them to serve their products to our students.  Our goal would be to serve locally produced meats twice a week each for week of the school year!

Children’s Author, Carmen Agra Deedy Visits FPS

You may have heard your student talking about the children’s author Carmen Agra Deedy in recent weeks. Ms. Deedy, a Georgia resident, originally from Cuba, visited Fairbury Schools on Wednesday, March 14th and presented a PTA sponsored program for all elementary students. Ms. Deedy is an internationally known author and storyteller.  You may find out more information about her on her website:

Sing Around Nebraska

For the past two months, a select group of 5th and 6th grade students representing Jefferson Intermediate have been meeting twice a week to prepare for the annual NCDA Sing Around Nebraska (SAN) Festival. SAN is a powerful choral opportunity for students in grades 4, 5, & 6 which fosters the love of singing! In February of even-numbered years, there is a Festival Choir (non-auditioned) held at 10 or more sites around Nebraska. During the fall of even-numbered years, there is an honor choir (auditioned), usually held at a site in Lincoln, NE for 5th and 6th graders.
Due to the weather, they have moved our Sing Around Nebraska event to Saturday, February 17.   We will travel to Central City, NE and perform in their beautiful Performing Arts Center. Students will spend the day working with clinician and local music educator, Mrs. Celeste Ditter. Our students will join 140 other 5th and 6th graders from around the area to create a collaborative program which will be shared with the public at 4:00pm that afternoon. Tickets are $3/adult or free/12&under. Doors open at 3:30pm. The program will be 30-45 minutes.
Please congratulate the following students on their achievement and hard work!
Kemper Ambrose
Izzy Ausk
Lilly Ausk
Regan Kapke
Landon McBride
Toby Julin-McCleary
Samantha Starr
Morgan Stewart
Brook Tatro
Quintin Vculek

6th Graders Learn About Water Turbine/Water Wheel Via Distance Learning

The sixth grade students’ water wheel lesson began with a short discussion about the six main types of energy.  They talked about how energy could be transferred from one form to another, but can never be destroyed.  The students watched a video about hydroelectric power plants and how they produce energy.  For the activity, each group had two 20 oz bottles, six note cards, a strip of duct tape, a strip of masking tape, a ruler and a pair of scissors.  Each group constructed a water turbine.  Once the turbines were completed, each group tested their design and calculated the amount of power their model could generate.

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