Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program


Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program
Central Elementary School was awarded  a USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program grant.  This grant allow us to provide students with samples of fresh fruits and vegetables 2 to 3 times a week.

Nutrition education is provided with these snacks.  Sometimes it is about the snack of the day.  “How many calories or vitamins does it have, and how can these help my body”.  Other times it might be:  how does eating fresh fruits and vegetables help me grow and learn.

Examples of the fruits we may provide  this year are: assorted varieties of melon, berries, apples and pears, tangerines, oranges, pineapple, peaches, grapes and cherries.  Vegetables varieties the students have had the opportunity to try are: mushrooms, radishes, broccoli, turnips, peppers (red, green and yellow), green onions, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and cauliflower.

The Central students have the opportunity to try some “out of the ordinary” fruits and vegetables as well.  Carambola better known as star fruit, Fuyu persimmons, plumcots, pomegranate seeds, strawberry papayas, snow peas and jicama sticks (Mexican turnip) are a few of the unusual foods the children will be served.

The students are encouraged to reach for a piece of fruit or some crunchy vegetables for a snack instead of chips or cookies. We all know that eating fresh fruits and vegetables are much healthier options.

Exposure to new foods is a learning experience for children.  Take your child on a stroll through the local produce department, you might be surprised the foods he/she has tried.  They might surprise you and ask for a food you haven’t tried.

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