Molly’s Pilgrim

Before Thanksgiving, Mrs. Shinn’s class read the book entitled Molly’s Pilgrim by Barbara Cohen. Students took home 2 clothespins, and with the help from family,​ made a clothespin pilgrim and Indian doll to go with the book. Students made the clothespin doll at home. I sent home a clothespin, a note, explaining this a little more. It is one of my favorite books. The students enjoyed the story and the movie made from the book. It has such a sweet message about differences, modern day pilgrims, and accepting others. I was so amazed at all the creative pilgrim and Indian dolls! Thank you for your help with this project and Happy Thanksgiving to all my students and their families!

Energizers’ Drug-Free Mascot Contest

Energizers was excited to sponsor a drug-free mascot design contest for Central Elementary School. The Energizers members voted on the submissions to select the winner. The winning design was by Daniel C. in Mrs. Wanamaker’s 2nd grade class.

Energizers officers were excited to present the plush mascot in a ceremony last week. All of the submissions were used to decorate the high school for Red Ribbon week. Thanks to all students that participated and we look forward to seeing the new mascot around Central school helping promote our drug-free message.

Construction Class Builds Deck

Students in Mr. Scott’s construction class are building a deck in Gladstone.  The purpose of the deck was improve accessibility and add curb appeal to the home.  Students learned how to calculate area, create a materials list,  layout step risers, and use a variety of tools such as a router, drill and skill saw.  IMG_3765

Industrial Tech Students Visit Endicott Clay

Roughly 30 students visited Endicott Clay in Endicott on Friday Nov. 13th.  The focus of the day was to expose students to the many types of jobs available at Endicott Clay Products.  Students broke up into groups and toured the facility.  They saw the Computer Aided Drafting Department, toured the plant and saw the old oven where bricks were fired.  They also got to see the heavy equipment that is used at the factory.  This was a great educational opportunity for the students at FHS.IMG_3716

Solar Ovens in Mrs. E. Winter’s Science Class

Mrs. E. Winter’s 7th grade science students have been learning about the types of heat energy transfer. To see what we’re learning about in action, we did demonstrations of both conduction and convection. Radiation is energy transferred through waves; this is how the sun heats things. To learn more about radiation, students built solar ovens to harness the heat from the sun to cook a hotdog. We also got out our solar bag; the sun heats the bag through radiation. When the air inside the bag gains heat, it becomes less dense, allowing the bag to float. It was a great opportunity to take learning outside in the nice fall weather!

Central School 2015 Veterans Day Celebration

A brisk damp morning didn’t bother Central Elementary’s plans to honor Veterans.

On November 11th the school day started out a bit different than normal. Students and staff gathered outside around the flag and watched as the VFW Color Guard presented and raised the flag. High school students Ryan Umland and Garret Ragland played “Call to Colors.”  After the flag was raised, the students joined together in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Students and guests then gathered in the gym for a special program. Mrs. Mans welcomed the guests and thanked them for their service. Mrs. Beachler gave a brief history of Veteran’s Day and what it means to be a veteran. Lee Greenwood’s, “God Bless the USA” video was played.

The student body, led by Mrs. Bigley sang “God Bless America” with choreographed red, white, and blue plates. It was wonderful!

Mrs. Mans read a video to the students entitled “Veteran’s Day Honors,” followed by asking the guests to introduce themselves, tell what branch they served under, and tell how many years they served.

The student body concluded the program by singing “Grand Ole Flag” as they waved their own little flags.

The program received many compliments. A special thank you to the Veterans who have served and are currently serving, and a thank you to the Central Committee for putting on a wonderful program to honor them.

Check out our pictures of the Veteran’s Day Program

Gardens in Gloves

Fifth grade science students studied the life cycle of plants and learned all about their anatomy and how they reproduce.  Students then were able to plant various seeds in a glove and view the germination process.  Our seedlings are off to a great start!  Hopefully many students will grow green thumbs and take them home to plant so that the growing process continues.

October Fire Awareness – Central PE – Janet Ahl

The PE classes observed October as Fire Awareness Month by participating in games that reinforce basic safety rules in an emergency situation. We played “911” which included discussing that 911 was the number to call ONLY in an emergency situation. Emergency situations were reviewed and discussed as being a fire, someone not breathing, unconsciousness, someone breaking into your house, and a car wreck. I encouraged the students to talk to the grown-ups about putting their name, address, and phone number by the phone in case 911 ever needed to be called.

Every student put cones randomly on the asphalt outside and then they were given “red emergency 911 cards” that were to be put under each cone. Groups were formed and the first person in each group ran and turned over a cone. If there was a red card under the cone the student yelled “911” and quickly returned to their group and the next player turned over a cone. If there was no “911 emergency card” they said nothing and went back to their group.

Fire Safety Skills Tag was a review of what to do if you are ever in a fire situation. Prior to the game we discussed having a family plan on how to get out of the house and designate a specific meeting place. Members of the Fire Safety Cabinet team talked about getting out of the burning building BEFORE calling 911, and what to do if you awaken and see or smell smoke coming under the door. Smoke rises so we want to crawl and get low to the ground and not open doors if the handles are hot. They recognized the fact that smoke rises and that is why we stay low. If someone catches on fire we STOP, DROP, ROLL! We reviewed that oxygen is what keeps fire burning so by STOP, DROP, and ROLLING we can slow down the fire whereas running will only make the fire bigger.

We had several taggers with blue balls that represented smoke. If they were tagged they crawled until a friendly firefighter, designated with a fire sticker, came and helped them up. Taggers with red balls represented fire so they needed to STOP, DROP, ROLL until a friendly firefighter helped them up. Everyone had a turn being a tagger and a friendly firefighter.

During Red Ribbon Week, Oct. 26-30, we discussed the importance of taking care of our body through healthy eating, exercise, and living drug free. We played “Live Drug Free” a game that reinforces these concepts.  Once tagged students run in place getting their heart rate from resting to rapid which increases the flow of blood taking oxygen to all parts of their body which makes them happier, increases learning, and makes their body stronger. Two teammates get on each side of the student, hold hands and say “live drug free”, “get off the couch”, or “eat healthy foods”.

High School Musical

Fairbury High School will present their adaptation of High School Musical, in November.

“We’re all in this together!” . . . and you should join us!

It’s the first day after winter break at East High.  The Jocks, Brainiacs, Thespians, and Skater Dudes find their cliques, recount their vacations, and look forward to the new year. Basketball team captain and resident jock Troy discovers that the brainy Gabriella, a girl he met singing karaoke on his ski trip, has just enrolled at East High.  They cause an upheaval when they decide to audition for the high school musical, led by Ms. Darbus. Although many students resent the threat posed to the “status quo,” Troy and Gabriella’s alliance might just open the door for others to shine as well.

The performance features an ensemble cast, with Junior Paul Mach playing Troy Bolton, Senior Brooke Eisenhauer as Gabriella Montez, and Seniors Ryan Umland & Paige Patton bringing twins Ryan & Sharpay Evans to life, respectively.

The musical will run nightly at 7:00 pm on Friday, November 13th and Saturday, November 14th and a matinee showing at 2:00 pm on Sunday, November 15th in the Burkley Fine Arts Center.  Tickets are $8 for general admission, $6 for students, and free for children 3 and under.  VIP seating is also available for $15.  For ticket information, please contact the box office at or 402-754-4114.

Fairbury Jr/Sr High is located at 1501 9th Street, Fairbury.



Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
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