Preschoolers “Actively” Enjoying Their First Week of School

​​​​​​​​Our first week of preschool has been very active! The students are learning new routines and finding their way around the classroom. The first week’s theme of “School” included painting school items and cutting and gluing together their own school bus. Preschoolers were also able to enjoy some fresh fruit for snack and race around the playground on tricycles.

It’s All About Service!

8th grade American History students did a service learning project in class today. Each class went down to the football complex to pull weeds stuck in the chain link fence.

7th Graders Conduct Experiments

Mrs. Winter’s 7th grade science class has been learning about experimental design. To put what they learned into action, students designed and conducted individual experiments- and in the process discovered just how easy it is to look cool wearing safety goggles! They enjoyed getting their hands messy.

How Far Away Were the Summer Olympics?

Mrs. Comer’s Enrichment classes have spent some time studying the Summer Olympic Games!  The students did some research on where the Olympics have been held.  They then used their Chromebooks to see how many miles away some of the cities were!  You can imagine their excitement when they found out that Melbourne, Australia is 9,159 miles away from Fairbury!

6th Graders Study Carbon Dating

In sixth grade social studies, our first chapter is about studying the distant past.  One topic that we discuss is how archaeologists determine the ages of fossils and other prehistoric objects.  One dating method is called carbon dating.  In carbon dating, we learned that all living things absorb a kind of carbon called carbon-14.  When organisms die, they stop absorbing this type of carbon.  After death, the remaining carbon-14 starts to decay or disappear.  This allows scientists to measure how much carbon-14 remains in a fossil and they use this measurement to determine how long it has been since the living thing died.  We tried an experiment with a box, pennies and paperclips to see how carbon dating works!  Students recorded their findings and we compared results!

Another Great Start for First Grade

Mrs. Maschmann ‘s first grade students are off to a great start. We have been going over rules and procedures. We have also made zebras to display in the hall to go with our theme of “Wild About Learning.” We look forward to a great year of learning!

Goofy Faces
Goofy Faces

A Competitive “Techy” Introduction

Fifth grade students in Mrs. Ruhnke’s class used to get to know their new teacher.  This program places students into teams and they work together to answer questions.  The winning team is the first team to answer all the questions correctly in the shortest amount of time.  

Common Sense Media Essential Creativity Guide

Link to Common Sense Media Essential Creativity Guide

Kids are naturally creative. Whether they’re using pen and paper or a stylus and an iPad, kids find surprising ways to build, craft, and design. Help foster their interest in art, science, music, and construction by offering them a variety of tools to inspire and delight. These hand-selected educational apps, games, and websites each have the potential to unleash creativity, especially with the support of a parent or teacher. Have fun!


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