Core Knowledge – The Body

The First Graders at Central School got the opportunity to have Dr. Emily Winters, Jr. High science teacher, complete the CKLA (Core Knowledge Language Arts) unit they had been studying on the human body.   For the past couple of weeks, first grades have been learning about the skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory and nervous systems.   Dr. Winters brought in many animal organs for the First Graders to look at and touch.  HOW COOL!  She brought in a set of healthy lungs and showed how they expand with air and a set of unhealthy lungs from smoking and how they do not expand as much. She even brought a sheep’s heart, several sheep brains and bones from different animals.   They even got to listen to their hearts through a stethoscope that Mrs. Winters provided.     After all these funs activates, the students went back to their classrooms and each were able to create vertebras using licorice and cheerios.   It was an amazing experience!  

Preschool is Special

Preschool fun

We are on week 4 of preschool.  Learning to be super friends by asking first, listening and telling our friends yes or not right now. Lots of laughter and fun which is what makes preschool so special.

Click here to watch the video.

Grandparents’ Day

Grandparents’ Day was a huge success with many grandparents coming to see their grandchildren at school. The preschool invited their grandparents on Thursday, September 12th and the Kindergarten through 2nd grade had their grandparents on Friday, September 13th.  They decorated cookies, took pictures and spent some time doing activities together. There were lots of smiles both days.

Students Celebrate Constitution Day

The third grade students at Jefferson Intermediate were asked by Fairbury’s Ouivera Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution to ring bells that they made on September 17th in honor of Constitution Day.  They wanted the students to know about this great document and the freedoms it gives. They also believe that it is important that the students learn to cherish and appreciate these freedoms. The administration, teachers, and students put together a short program to recognize and honor the signing of the Constitution 232 years ago. 

View More Pictures Here

Human Graphs on the Football Field

Students in some of Mrs. Kristi Peterson’s math classes made some human graphs using a large coordinate plane on the practice football field.  They learned how to substitute numbers in place of variables and move to the appropriate coordinates.  Depending on the equation, they learned how to form a line or a parabola.  

Painting Magic

Kindergarten students in Mrs. Schmidt’s class showed off their “magical powers” by painting disappearing pictures. We read the book, “I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!” to learn what NOT to do with paint. Then we practiced painting with water. Students were amazed when their “magic” pictures disappeared from their construction paper! 

Learning About 9/11

On Wednesday, September 11, 8th Grade American History students and Politics students participated in the 9/11 Museum’s Anniversary in the School webinar.  The students started the day brainstorming what they knew, what they thought they knew, and things they wonder about.  After a class discussion and question and answer period, we logged into the webinar and joined 200,000 students from all 50 states and 13 other countries learn more about the events that happened that day.  We watched survivors tell their story of that days events They watched 2 people that were at the Pentagon, 2 people that were at the Marriott Hotel between the Twin Towers, and a journalist reporting on site that day.  

International Dot Day

In celebration of International Dot Day, first graders in Mrs. Schmidt’s classes are studying Wassily Kandinsky’s Squares with Concentric Circles and creating their own “dot” using watercolors. 

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