Homecoming Pep Rally and Candidates

Leading the homecoming festivities for the 2021-22 school year, the student council sponsored a pep rally where the class representatives and homecoming royalty candidates were announced.

2021-22 Class representatives are:

Freshman:  Drew Watson and Karelin Deras

Sophomore:  Blake Starr and Madi Ohlde

Junior: Brenden Runge and Emily Woosley

The 2021-22 Homecoming Royalty Candidates are:

Rorik Blatny and Jamie Junker, Zane Grizzle and Jami Mans, Alex Buxton and Brooke Schmidt, Ethan Smith and Alissa York, and Braden Suey and Anna York.

Wave Machine

We’re surrounded by waves! Sound and light travel as waves to our ears and eyes. Ocean waves crash onto the beach. Radio waves broadcast music to our cars. We even use waves to cook our food – in microwaves! The students in Mr. Gerth’s and Mrs. Comers class created wave machines to see how all different kinds of waves move!

Mr. Gerth’s Class

Mrs. Comer’s Class

Rosie Hill Receives the Jeffs’ Best Award!

The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff.On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Rosie Hill, Fairbury High School Paraeducator, as the recipient of the September Jeffs’ Best Award!

 These are her nomination statements:
“Rosie Hill is a fantastic coworker! She is always willing to do all tasks that are asked of her. Currently, Rosie does a large amount of transporting for our programs-this means she arrives at school by 6:30 am and does not return until close to 5. She also helps out as a job coach for students that require assistance with their transitional work studies.
Rosie is a positive light in our district!”

“Rosie is always ready and willing to help wherever needed – and with a smile on her face and a friendly hello! She is truly appreciated!”

“Rosie has been a job coach and parapro for several years. She always goes the extra mile by sending photos and emails and teaching her students safety and procedures for those “what-if” situations. She is faithful to her job, loves her kids and works without complaint. She has become a member of our family !”

6th Grade Art and Science

In 6th Grade, we were learning about the color wheel,  primary colors and how we can mix them to make the secondary colors. Also have been learning about warm and cool color combinations.

Science -Fred the Worm Activity
Students had to work with their team to save Fred the Worm after his boat (cup) capsized. They had to get the worm from the top of the cup and into his lifesaver under the cup. They were only allowed to use paper clips to complete the task.

¡Feliz Cumpleaños!

Celebrating and practicing our alphabet while playing “Go Fish”

Raising the Guatemalan Flag in Spanish 2!

Rigoberto, our new student, gifted us his countryś flag to enjoy!


What does teamwork look like? What does teamwork sound like?

Math students already know how to count from 1 to 100. Mrs. Petersen encouraged students to work in groups of four and count from 1-100 like a scavenger hunt. The activity started with only paper and pencil, but then it became easier with color-coded markers and even better with teamwork!

Learning can be loud. Students helped each other with voices and actions. Excitement erupted when patterns were discovered and the count to 100 went faster. Mrs. Petersen expressed multiple times that this was not a race, but teenagers tend to be competitive and enthusiastic. After completing the task of counting from 1 to 100, students discussed the following questions: What does teamwork look like? What does teamwork sound like? And they even considered: What does teamwork feel like?

Mrs. Petersen encourages teamwork with an emphasis on collaboration and cooperation while learning math.
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