Kiwanis Track Meet Pictures

The Kiwanis Track Meet for our elementary students was held on May 8th.  The 3rd and 4th graders began at 8:30 and the 5th and 6th gradersbegan at 12:00 PM.  Many were there to cheer the children on.  Results pages after pictures.

Senior Spotlight – Eli Ausk

Each week, Fairbury Public Schools wants to dedicate some time to celebrate seniors. These will be shared as they are submitted by the graduating class. Our thirty-third Senior Spotlight is Eli Ausk. Congratulations Eli!

Czechland Pets share Exotic Animals with Third Graders

Bo and Jason, from Czechland Pet Store in Fairbury, gave a presentation on exotic animals to the third graders at Jefferson Intermediate. The students learned the difference between poisonous and venomous animals.  Bo explained the differences between snakes that lay eggs and snakes that give live birth.  The tree frogs you should never handle them without gloves because of how sensitive the skin is, and it will harm them even tree frogs found locally.   A gecko will drop its tail when predators are around and then when it regrows the tail, it never grows back the same pattern and shape.   A tortoise can live up to 250 years old.    Bo and Jason share that we should make sure we take care of our pets and don’t keep them outside or they could get sunburned. That can cause skin issues in some animals such as crocodiles, frogs, snakes, and even our pets.   We learned a lot from Bo and Jason and thank them for sharing their knowledge with the students at Jefferson.

School Lunch Hero Day!

Fairbury Jr-Sr High School is celebrating our wonderful kitchen staff!
Fairbury Public Schools – District Jeff Chefs

Justin Warnke Receives the Jeffs’ Best Award!

The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff. On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Mr. Justin Warnke as the recipient of the May Jeffs’ Best Award! Justin is a Maintenance staff at Jefferson Intermediate and this is his nomination statement:
I nominate Justin Warnke as the Best Jeff for the May Jeffs’ Best Award.  Not only does he do a great job at his regular duties, but he also goes above and beyond to help teachers, students, and staff. He is always willing to work at other buildings if needed. Justin is always friendly and always has a smile on his face!  Justin deserves this award.


5th Graders Attend Law Day

Our 5th graders got to attend Law Day at the Courthouse! They even got to participate in a mock trial! Thank you to everyone who helped put this together! What a great experience!

Jefferson Elementary Career Day

The Jefferson Elementary  Career Day was a huge success! Thank you to all the presenters who took time to come and share about what they do each and every day! Shout out to Mrs. Lucking, Mrs. Stone, and Ms. Bowen for organizing this awesome event!

Senior Spotlight – Salvador Chavez

Each week, Fairbury Public Schools wants to dedicate some time to celebrate seniors. These will be shared as they are submitted by the graduating class. Our thirty-second Senior Spotlight is Salvador Chavez. Congratulations Salvador!

FHS State Journalism Success

FHS Journalism did fantastic at state! The team placed 7th overall. Below are individual results! The students and Mr. Martin have a lot to be proud of!
  • Morgan Stewart – 4th Newspaper Layout, 6th Yearbook Theme Development, 7th Advertising and 8th Infographic
  • Schuylar Malone – 5th Editorial Cartooning
  • Brant Gillham – 5th Entertainment Writing
  • Eliza Kroeker – Runner-Up Action Photography, 4th Sports News Writing, 5th Feature Photography, 6th Yearbook Theme Development
  • Trenton Ruhnke – 3rd Yearbook Theme Copy, 6th News Feature Photography, 6th Yearbook Theme Development, and 8th Newspaper Layout
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