Phone Free Friday is a challenge placed by the National Honor Society for students to be device free (phones, tablets, computers, etc.) at lunch every Friday and to converse with their peers. This is a completely voluntary challenge, participation is not required. Students who are able to do this for a whole lunch period are able to earn a raffle ticket where a drawing will be held at the end of the month for a prize. 164 students participated the first Friday!
Kindergarten Students Celebrate 100 Days of School
The 100th Day of School AND Groundhog Day are on the same day this year?! Ms. Hall’s class did lots of celebrating! In Skills, they wrote what will happen when they are 100 (with an aged photo of themselves). Lots of laughs were had with this one
To celebrate Groundhog Day, the class made their own groundhogs.
The class kept the celebration of the 100th day going by making Fruit Loop necklaces in math class!
Sylvan is hosting an ACT Practice Test Day
Senior Spotlight – Tony Marschman
Design Contest!
Fairbury Jr. Sr. High School had its Chromebook Background Design Contest for February. It was narrowed down to the top 10 designs.. This is the design that won by an overall staff vote. Voting was completely anonymous, staff could only see the design but not who created it.
Congratulations to Amy Campbell, Sophomore, on being selected! Great work Amy!!
Staff Spotlights
This year, we would like to celebrate staff from each building more frequently (both certified and classified). The FPS Staff Spotlights are prepared by Student School Board Member Adeline Blatny.
FPS Staff Spotlights
Winter Formal Royalty
Bid for FPS Hay Harvesting
Staff Spotlights
This year, we would like to celebrate staff from each building more frequently (both certified and classified). The FPS Staff Spotlights are prepared by Student School Board Member Adeline Blatny.
This week we celebrate the following staff: