Lady Jeffs Basketball Team Giving Back!

The mission of the Lady Jeffs basketball team is to give the chance for student-athletes to learn to become responsible, respectful and successful young adults through the game of basketball.  At a recent team meal, the members of the Fairbury Lady Jeffs Basketball team took this to heart and made two blankets that they are donating to the local Hope Crisis Center.  They presented the blankets to Carmen Hinman February 4, 2016.  The Hope Crisis Center is Blanketsa non-profit organization committed to empowering victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.  They are planning on auctioning off the blankets at their fundraiser in November.

8th Graders Design their Dream Home

In Ms. Engle’s 8th Grade Exploratory Careers class, the students are learning about the 16 Career Clusters and possible careers they may be interested in the future.  This week they worked on the Architecture and Construction Cluster.  Each student was required to work on a floor plan of their dream house.  Many of the students chose to use the Planner 5D app on their Chromebooks to design their plans.  They added everything from the basic furniture to pools, pianos and weight rooms to just list a few.  They even had the ability to work on interior design playing with paint color, rugs, art and other extras.  The plannerstudents enjoyed some hands on work with technology and the chance to let their creativity shine!

The Great Thanksgiving Listen…Preserving Oral History Today!

Mrs. Engle-Evans 8th Grade American History classes have been preparing to participate in the National project, The Great Thanksgiving Listen.  Students will record an interview with a grandparent, elder in their family, or an elder in their community using the free StoryCorps app to foster meaningful connections within families, communities, and the classroom, and create a firsthand archive of American History and wisdom.  At the conclusion of their interview, they will take a picture with their chosen interview partner and use it to post their projects.  With  parent permission they will be posting this oral history project on and it will be archived in the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress.

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