“EGG-STRA” Special Science Experiment

Mrs. Rosener’s class did an amazing, interactive science experiment with an egg and vinegar! In Mrs. Rosener’s science class students experimented with an egg and vinegar. Students took a raw egg, shell and placed it in a cup of vinegar. After a day, the class made observations and talked about what they thought would happen to the egg. A week later, students were able to look at the egg and they were surprised by what they saw! The shell was gone, and the egg had a bouncy, rubber feeling to it. Some students described the egg feeling like they were holding a water balloon in their hand. Students learned that leaving the egg in vinegar for a week caused the shell to dissolve, leaving the egg white and egg yolk protected by the egg’s membrane. The vinegar created an acid base reaction and the shell slowly dissolved. Thanks to the membrane, students were able to hold the egg and learned what caused the egg to have that bouncy, rubber-like feel to it.

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