Welcome Back Fairbury Jeffs! ~ Dr. Embray

Greetings! I am Dr. Devin Embray, welcome to our website. I am delighted to serve as your interim Superintendent for this year. It is a true honor to be a part of Fairbury Public Schools and to witness the remarkable achievements of our vibrant community. This site contains many different and important pieces of information. We hope your visit to our site leads you to wanting to know more about our school district and community.

We are blessed with a dedicated Board of Education, an exceptional administration team, talented teachers, committed support staff, engaged parents, and enthusiastic students. It is the collective hard work and passion of our staff that make our school district truly outstanding.

We are excited to continue advancing the initiatives outlined in our Strategic Plan, which was adopted last year. Our focus is on fostering a positive Climate and Culture, where unity, consistency, and development are prioritized, and on Enhancing Learning Experiences through innovative curriculum, programs, and opportunities.

We look forward to serving our communities and providing the best possible experiences for our students. By supporting our staff at all levels and partnering with parents, community organizations, and local businesses, we are committed to enriching the educational journey of every student.

If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to reach out to me at the following contact information

Warm regards,

Dr. Devin Embray
Interim Superintendent
Fairbury Public Schools


402-729-6104 ext. 4100

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