Julie Petersen Receives the Jeffs’ Best Award!

The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff. On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Mrs. Julie Petersen as the recipient of the April Jeffs’ Best Award! Julie is a math instructor at the Jr. Sr. High School, and this is her nomination statement:

Julie is an incredibly dynamic leader at the high school. Julie is a master of her curriculum, and she knows the scope and sequence of math matriculation at all levels. Every year she uses her vast knowledge to help and support new math teachers. In her classroom, she is insanely organized, actively works to incorporate multiple learning modalities, and is continually changing and improving- working to be the best at her craft. She mentors new teachers and is always working to make things run smoothly (sharing quarterly grade graphs and goals, parent-teacher conferences resources, sending positive texts and messages, etc.). In addition to excellence in the classroom, Julie also voluntarily takes on additional tasks. She organizes the weekly staff breakfast, end-of-year staff BBQ, serves on our building MTSS, creates testing schedules, and surely 100 other things that none of us realize or appreciate enough. In a data-driven environment, Julie is a spreadsheet queen. She could do 1,000 jobs well in the public sector too. FHS is blessed that she chooses to use her talents here.

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