Kari Fisher Receives the Jeffs’ Best Award!

The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff. On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Mrs. Kari Fisher, as the recipient of the January Jeffs’ Best Award!  Kari is a science teacher at Fairbury High School, and this is her nomination statement:

I am honored to nominate Mrs. Kari Fisher for the Jeffs’ Best Award. Kari is an outstanding teacher with high expectations for all students. She works incredibly hard to ensure she provides the best possible learning experience for students. Although the school day is from 8:00-4:00, Kari’s day starts much earlier and ends much later. The time she puts into not only teaching but providing meaningful feedback to students is absolutely incredible.

I am nominating Mrs. Fisher because she works EXTREMELY hard for her students. She gets to school bright and early and stays late at night so she can grade papers in a timely manner, get labs set up, or help students when they need it. She wants what is best for her students and always answers any questions and finds new ways to teach the material if her students do not understand something. Her work ethic and optimistic attitude are inspiring!

Congratulations Mrs. Fisher!

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