Jeffs Publications Given Multiple Cornhuskers Awards

Fairbury High School publications were awarded Cornhuskers, the highest honor from the Nebraska High School Press Association, for the 2022 Trail the school yearbook and the 2022 Blazer the school newspaper. 

Publications are critiqued by the NHSPA and receive ratings in coverage, writing, design and photography. In addition to the Cornhuskers, the Blazer received special acknowledgment Golden Kernels for coverage and design and the Trail received a Golden Kernel for photography. Awards were presented at the 2022 NHSPA’s Fall Convention on Oct. 17. 

The editors for the publications were Ericka Kroeker for the Trail and Trenton Ruhnke for the Blazer. Other staff included assistant Trail editors Gavin Schramm and Ruhnke; assistant Blazer editors Eliza Kroeker and Elizabeth Kerwood; and staff members Makenzie Mills, Brant Gillham, Jackson Martin, Aloe Richie, AnnaMarie Bryan and Morgan Stewart. 

“These awards are a tribute to the amount of work and dedication of the entire staff,” publications adviser Jed Martin said. “Each and every staff member contributed countless hours in completing both the Trail and Blazer. As editors, Ericka and Trenton should be proud of these awards because it is directly due to their efforts that both publications earned Cornhuskers.”


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