Amy Engle-Evans Receives the Jeffs’ Best Award!

The Jeffs’ Best Award was created by the Fairbury Public Schools Board of Education to highlight and celebrate the great work of our staff.On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to congratulate Amy Engle-Evans, Fairbury High School social studies Teacher, as the recipient of the May Jeffs’ Best Award!

These are her nomination statements:
Amy has gone above and beyond this year as the FEA president dealing with multiple issues: Covid, coaching, discipline issues etc.

Amy is a dedicated teacher and coach who has served FPS for many years. She is a member of the Jeff community and has spent countless hours helping the students and athletes she teaches and coaches. She is the head of the social studies department at the high school and has also mentored many teachers over the years. She would be very deserving of the award, for she is one of “Jeffs Best”

Mrs. Engle-Evans is the epitome of professional excellence. Mrs. Engle-Evans is a highly effective classroom teacher. In our building we have used Mrs. Engle-Evans to help mentor teachers struggling with classroom management skills. She is organized, experienced, and passionate. She is the social studies department head and is supremely knowledgeable about her content area and curriculum. She is innovative with using and incorporating technology into instructional practices. She is a dynamic instructor and adaptive to meet the needs of all learners. Mrs. Engle-Evans never hesitates to take on leadership roles. She mentors new staff and supports veteran staff. She advocates for students.
She builds relationships with her colleagues, students, and athletes. Mrs. Engle-Evans contributes to the community, in addition to the school system. FPS is beyond blessed to have Amy Engle-Evans on staff!
Amy has shown strong leadership skills in the classroom as well as outside of during her time with FPS. She is extremely organized and always is open to new ideas and willing to help others. She dedicates time outside of her personal life to not only mentor students she has in class, but mentor athletes she coaches outside the classroom as well. Educators that coach are not in it for the extra pay on the payscale. They are in it to see the best that is in the kids that they support. Amy deserves to be Jeffs Best – She sees the best in students, athletes and coworkers.
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