National Honor Society Officers ~ 2020-2021

The NHS officers this year are President Brynn Novotny, President-Elect Alex Buxton (he is also the point-chart recorder), Secretary Lindsey Korthals, and Reporter Keely Schramm. 

Members of NHS include Harlie Blas, Alex Buxton, Zane Grizzle, Taylor Gustafson, Maggie Layton, Adaline Linscott, Josi Mans, Jami Mans, Karly McCord, Erica Mosher, Hailie Nicholson, Page Nippert, Ellie Ohlde, Josh Robertson, Ethan Smith, Kacy Starck, Brittyn Wentz, Riley Wood, Brylee Yantz, Alissa York, and Anna York. The NHS advisor is Mrs. Julie Petersen.
*Students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade with a GPA of 3.3+ can petition for membership second semester.

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