To raise awareness of American Enterprise Week, members of the FHS FBLA organization visited the fourth graders at Jefferson, on November 12th. Next week the fourth graders will be coming up to the high school to make cookies for the FHS students to buy. American Enterprise Week is about the freedom to start and run any business we choose.
Junior Abby Judd bids off a sucker for an example of American Enterprise Week. In this game they gave the kids paper money and had an auction on how much money they would give for the sucker. Photo by C. YorkSophomore Ethan Smith hands out surveys to the kids to find out what cookies are their favorite. Next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the 4th grade students and FBLA members will be making and selling cookies. Photo by C. YorkSenior Jaelle Johnson hands out coloring sheets for the kids to color. They will be hanging them up in the hallways to advertise how they will be selling cookies next week. Photo by C. York
Each cookie is worth 50 cents. Don’t forget to bring your money to school next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to buy cookies and support the FBLA organization.