Fourth Graders participate in Kindness Retreat

Fourth Graders participated in a Kindness Retreat.  The goal of the day was for students to experience a day of what kindness looks like and feels like.  This event started with a series of high-energy, interactive activities that helped build trust and break down social barriers.  These activities also encouraged students to build empathy and identify how bullying hurts their peers socially and emotionally.  Students were shown practical skills such as the kindness boomerang; you have to throw some kindness to catch a little kindness. Students were also taught a positive method of how to handle bullying situations.  They learned ICI:  Interrupt, Compliment and Invite Away.  This strategy empowers students to be everyday heroes.  The closing activity encouraged students to reflect on how they will live out kindness.  Students had the opportunity to write down one kindness boomerang they could start throwing out to their teachers, friends and classmates.  They were then provided a chance to verbally share this with their classmates.  
A special thanks to Fairbury PTA for allowing this opportunity to help build character and inspire community in our school.
See the Kindness Retreat in action

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