Boys Track Team Gives Back to Flood Victims

by Taylor Gustafson

Imagine what it would be like to lose your home or your livestock and crops. Well this is the reality for many Nebraskans at this time. People throughout the state have had to evacuate their homes and leave everything behind. Flooding has left people without homes and also without water. Water in flood areas have been contaminated leaving them undrinkable and many people without water. The boys track team decided to do something to help those people in need and hold a water drive in Fairbury.

“I thought of how I couldn’t enter Beatrice from where I normally do due to the flooding, so then I thought about contaminated pipes, and how water could be pretty nasty at other towns. Then I made a flyer and I asked my parents and if they could get this out for publicity and if I could store it somewhere in the schools,” Freshman Zane Grizzle said.

So far the track team has had great success with the Water drive. There have been multiple business that have donated cases of water to the flood victims. There has also been a delivery made to Peru State College on Wednesday morning. 350 cases of water have been donated so far.

The boys track team is also challenging other track teams across the state to help by starting their own water drive for the flood victims. If you are interested in donating water to the water drive, you can drop off cases of water at Central, Jefferson, and the High School.

KWBE News Story

Original Article FHS X-Ray:

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