Trying to Save Lives

On 3-20-18 Officer Charlie Cook,  Officer Tim Pickering  and Paul Aden of Fairbury came to speak to Mr. Scott’s Driver’s Education class.  The officers came and showed the students what can happen if seatbelts are not worn and you are involved in an accident.  The point was to instill in the students that wearing seat belts saves lives statistically.  There were some videos shown and quite a few actual photos taken right here in Jefferson county of accident victims.  Some were pretty hard to look at but the fact remains, when you get behind the wheel of a car, you are in charge of a very heavy object.  Students also learned that speed is a major factor in accidents as well.  Students got the opportunity to also try to walk a straight line wearing what some call the drunk goggles.  The goggles were to simulate a certain Blood Alcohol Content or BAC.

Students also got to sit in a huge truck that was brought to the school by Paul Aden of Fairbury.  Paul has been very helpful over the years to help out with parades, floats and is always ready to help.  Paul talked about semis and how they have bigger blind spots than regular passenger vehicles.  He stressed to the students to be aware of where you are in relation to a truck making a right or left turn.
I want to thank both the Nebraska State Patrol, and Paul Aden for their continued support to the Fairbury Driver’s Education program.
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