Fairbury FFA Attends 90th National FFA Convention

On October 24th at midnight, the Fairbury FFA Chapter set out from Lincoln on their way to the 90th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. In attendance from the Fairbury Chapter were Sarah McCown, Brock Barton, Olivia Koop, Kane Hasselbring, Delaney Miller, Kaylee Sipek, Michaela Buchli, Bryn Livingston, and Trevin Arnold. While they were there, the group of nine, plus advisor Thomas Dux, attended various workshops and fairs.

There is a large career fair held in the convention center each year, where various businesses and colleges have booths to give the FFA kids a chance to learn more about agricultural opportunities.  They also had the chance to take a tour of the Dallara Indycar factory where students were able ride in an Indycar.  Unique to the state of Nebraska, the Nebraska chapters sponsor a dance on two nights of convention that are only for Nebraska FFA students. The Fairbury FFA chapter attended both of these dances, and enjoyed meeting and visiting with students from other chapters closer to home.

Fairbury graduate Cody Huss also received the American FFA Degree.  The American FFA Degree is a sign of great accomplishment and only a small percent of FFA members ever earn this degree.  There are numerous requirements for FFA members as one of them is members have to have earned at least $10,000 or productively invested $7,500 into their Supervised Agricultural Experience Program.  Congratulations to Cody on this huge accomplishment.  

It was a full week, but they all enjoyed venturing outside the comfort of home and into the sea of blue.


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