SCC Milford ~ College Career Construction Day

On Sept 19, 2017 SCC in Milford hosted a college career construction day. Five Fairbury High School students traveled to SCC in Milford to visit the technical college. This has been a yearly event and students from many different schools show up to take part in a very unique experience. Students pre-register with the college and pick areas of technical education they wish to experience. This year Austin Massa, Brett Sutton, Julie Johnson, Cash Kroll, and Zach Siebe were the students that went.

Students from many area schools were divided up into around 27 groups of around 20 students each. Each group had an associate from the school who took students around the campus. This year Fairbury students witnessed a demonstration about the career of an electrical lineman. Students learned about the hazards of the job and safety associated with working high above the ground in all kinds of weather conditions. Pay for this position can become as high as $45.00 per hour. They also got to see the robotics lab, a hydraulics simulator where students built a working model of the hydraulics used in a typical forklift. The students had a plan and had to hook up the lines to make the controls more and pump fluid which lifted a 70 pound weight.

The Nebraska State Patrol was also on hand to show the students how to calculate loads of big semis using our road systems. Students had to use math equations to figure loads on different axles. Students also toured the Construction department where they practiced using Kreg Jigs to build face frames for cabinets, wire tieing of rebar by hand and with a new battery powered wire tying gun, using a laser level and transits to finds reference points, and they even trimmed out an actual window using a 12″ Dewalt power miter saw.

There were many other areas to see but time was a factor. All in all it was a good day, the weather was beautiful and the students got some good exposure to different careers. We plan on going again next year.

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