Students Compete at Skills USA

Students from Fairbury High School competed at the SkillsUSA State Leadership Conference March 30-April 1st. There were many students from all over the state of Nebraska competing.  This year was the first year that the state leadership conference was held in Grand Island, Nebraska at Fonner Park.

SkillsUSA is a national organization for students in career and technical education.  The goal of SkillsUSA is to replenish the workforce in America with skilled laborers and to help companies find quality people to fill the ever growing demand for industrial technical jobs.

Students that competed were Blake Bauer, Tanner Novotny, Dalton Buxton, Devon Trimm, Reed Williams, Zachary Holes, Jessa Eden, Madison Gregory, and Tayler Shellhase.

Fairbury finished in first place with Tanner Novotny and Dalton Buxton in Drone Technology.  Students were judged on how they flew the drone through an obstacle course, along with adding information to a notebook. That was worth over 700 points.  The boys had to come up with many things in the notebook including a paragraph on how drones will be used more and more in the future.    Tanner and Dalton finished first out of around 20 teams and received gold medals.
FHS also had two students complete in cosmetology, Jessa Eden and Madison Gregory.   The competition was fierce and Madison came up with a first place win in the state of Nebraska.  She will represent the state of Nebraska in Louisville Kentucky in June 19th-23rd.  There she will go up against students from many different states.   Good job to both of you!
An email will be coming from the state so students can see feedback on the judges comments.
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