“Life in a Snowglobe” from the perspective of a fifth grader.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a Snow globe?  Mrs. Ruhnke’s 5th grade language class imagined just that.  They began this activity by creating a Google Presentation showing what they would see, touch, hear, taste and smell in their snow globes as well as how it would make them feel.  They then wrote a “sloppy copy,” peer edited, typed their final copy and finally shared both their slideshow and essay with their classmates.  All in all, most agreed that a snow globe might be a fun place to visit, but they wouldn’t want to live there!


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8th Graders Design their Dream Home

In Ms. Engle’s 8th Grade Exploratory Careers class, the students are learning about the 16 Career Clusters and possible careers they may be interested in the future.  This week they worked on the Architecture and Construction Cluster.  Each student was required to work on a floor plan of their dream house.  Many of the students chose to use the Planner 5D app on their Chromebooks to design their plans.  They added everything from the basic furniture to pools, pianos and weight rooms to just list a few.  They even had the ability to work on interior design playing with paint color, rugs, art and other extras.  The plannerstudents enjoyed some hands on work with technology and the chance to let their creativity shine!

Congratulations Nick!

Congrats to Nick Christiansen! Nick signed Wednesday, January 13th, with Doane College to play golf next season!

Lyrics 2 Learn

Students in Mrs. Shinn’s Academic Enrichment classes are trying out Lyrics2learn for the next two weeks.  Lyrics2learn is a brain-based, on-line reading program. It uses music to engage students with text and help them memorize information quickly as kids retain more and more information with the repetition, rhythm and rhyme used in the program.

Each day the question levels increase.  Each mini-lesson begins with literal comprehension on day 1, and ends with an open ended constructed response. The program uses this methodology with every story. The more kids know, the more they’ll show.  The program hopes to help the students using the program retain a higher percentage of the information they read.  The program is designed to help students learn to connect on high levels so they can then relate the text to themselves and the world. During this

period the third grade students will have access to this program at home too.  

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