Golfers Take 2nd at Fairbury Invite!

The Jeff Golfers competed in the Fairbury Invite on April 20th. The Jeffs placed 2nd as a team. Individual medalists include: Nick, 3rd with a 78, Justin Peterson, 6th with an 81 and Zach, 10th with an 85. Good Job Golfers!

FPS Staff Attend Autism Spectrum Disorder Conference

Current research shows that the incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder in children is 1 out of every 68.  There are many factors that have been identified as contributing to this number.  Fairbury Public Schools takes pride in ensuring our teachers, support staff and administrators understand and meet the unique learning needs students with Autism Spectrum Disorders have.  24 FPS teachers, para-educators, and administrators, along with 13 parents attended the 2016 Nebraska ASD Network State Conference in La Vista.  The two day conference was filled with entertaining, informative and educational keynote speakers and breakout sessions.  Our local ESU 5 Interim-Administrator and Interim-Special Education Director, Dr. Brenda and Dr. Matt McNiff were the keynote speakers on Thursday evening.  They gave their presentation from the perspective as both a parent of a child with ASD and educators.  The conference was capped off with an AWESOME keynote presentation from Adolf Brown.  His ability to inspire, entertain and move participants is truly unique and well received.  Please contact Central or Jefferson Intermediate if you would like further information about this conference.

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Jeff Golfers Compete in York

On Thursday, April 14th the Boy’s golf team competed in the York invite. York is a very difficult course that has hosted districts before. Conditions were tough with some stiff winds, picking up in the afternoon. Nick Christiansen led the Jeffs with an 87. Justin Peterson carded an 88, followed by Robby Meyer posting a 94. Zach Reikofski shot a 103 and Anthony Moyer rounded out the scoring with a 111. The Jeffs finished in 10th out of 16 teams shooting a 372. The Jeffs will next be in action on Wednesday, April 20 at their home invite with golf starting at 9 a.m.

Nebraska State Patrol Visits FHS

On April 18, 2016 the Nebraska State Patrol visited Mr. Scott’s Driver Education class.  Officer Charlie Cook,  a former policeman from Fairbury himself, was the guest speaker.  He is a full time Community Service Officer.  His job is educate the public about vehicle safety with the topics “Don’t Drink and Drive”, “Don’t Text and Drive”, “Get Plenty of Sleep Before Driving”, and Always Wear a Seatbelt

“.    He showed the students a roll over simulator. Students got to experience the simulator that represented a slow vehicle roll-over with and without belts.  A child seat was in the passenger seat and it really hit home with some of the kids.    He also talked about how large book bags full of books should not be carried in the car but in the trunk as they become projectiles when not fastened down or seat belted in.  The safety dummy eventually was thrown from the simulator and landed on the concrete.    Statistics have shown, you are more likely to live in a crash if you are wearing your seat belt.  Students got to see videos, color pictures,  and heard many stories of actual crashes he had worked.  Students also got to experience the drunk goggles and tried to walk the line.  I think it was a definite eye opener to safety behind the wheel.  Thank you officer Cook!

Fairbury FFA Members Attend State Convention

The Fairbury FFA Chapter members attended the 2016 Nebraska FFA State Convention, April 6-8 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Chapter members attending the convention were Tyler Heidemann, Nathaniel Stapaules, Dylan Au, Cody Huss, Blake Bauer, Patrick Ondrak, Jon Engelman, Michaela Buchli, Tori Likens, Kaylee Sipek, Delaney Miller, Natalie Stapaules, Ryan Umland, Garret Ragland, Althea Esteller, Tony Grummert, Jake Maschmann, Jesse Graves, Paige Livingston, Evie Schwab, Shavara Kroeker, Jordan Ruhnke, Sarah McCown, Carson Bohlmeyer, Brock Barton, Madison Black, Trevin Likens, Brandon Reese, Miranda Heidemann

Nebraska FFA members and chapters were honored for their accomplishments at the 88th annual State FFA Convention. Events were held at the Pinnacle Bank Arena, hotels in Lincoln’s Haymarket, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln East Campus.

FFA members, advisors and guests supported chapters and award recipients. Attendees had the opportunity to listen to motivational speakers and retiring state officer addresses during convention sessions. They were engaged in leadership workshops, watched students compete in Leadership Skills Events and attended the annual Career Fair. Students also participated in the State Career Development Events on UNLs East Campus.  

Individual award winners for the Fairbury FFA Chapter include the Agricultural Sales team consisting of Ryan Umland, Garret Ragland, Althea Esteller, and Natalie Stapaules received a white ribbon as a team while Natalie received a white ribbon individually.  The Agriscience team consisted of Delaney Miller, Kaylee Sipek, Tori Likens, and Michaela buchli.  Tori received a blue ribbon and Michaela received a red ribbon.  The Agronomy team consisting of Blake Bauer, Cody Huss, John Engelman,  and Patrick Ondrak received a blue ribbon as a team.  Cody received a blue ribbon, John received a blue ribbon and Patrick received a white ribbon individually.  The Natural Resources team consisting of Tyler Heidemann, Carson Bohlmeyer, Nathaniel Stapaules, and Brock Barton received a blue ribbon as a team and placed in the top 20.  Carson received a purple ribbon, Nathaniel received a blue ribbon, and Brock received a red ribbon.  The Welding team consisted of Dylan Au competing in the Gas Metal Arc Welding event, Tony Grummer competing in the OxyAcetylene welding event, and Tyler Heidemann competed in the Shielded Metal Arc Welding event.  Tyler received a white ribbon.  The Vet Science team consisted of Ryan Umland, Natalie Stapaules, Patrick Ondrak, and Sarah McCown.  The Floriculture team consisted of Evie Schwab, Paige Livingston, Shavara Kroeker, and Jordan Ruhnke.  The Meat Judging team consisted of Jesse Graves, Tony Grummert, Brock Barton, and Jake Maschmann.  The Farm Management team consisted of Trevin Likens, Madison Black, Brandon Reese, and Miranda Heidemann.  Garret Ragland competed in the Job Interview Leadership Skills Event and received a silver rating.   

The Fairbury FFA chapter also had three members who received their State FFA Degrees and were chosen to sing in the State FFA Choir.  Those members receiving their State FFA Degrees were Trevin Likens, Tyler Heidemann, and Cody Huss.  Those members singing in the State FFA Choir were Ryan Umland, Madison Black, and Garret Ragland.     

The Fairbury FFA Chapter had a great time at state convention and will be looking to keep building in their experiences and contest results for next year.  

The Surprise Garden

Students in Mrs. Johnson’s Kindergarten library skills class read “The Surprise Garden” by Zoe Hall.   They talked about what plants need in order to grow, and they planted radish seeds in a balloon garden.  Thanks to Mrs. Nippert for volunteering and assisting us during this special unit.

If the students don’t pop their balloon, they should be able to watch their plants grow. Once the plants outgrow the balloon, they can pop the balloon and plant them in their own gardens or pots at home.

Fetal Pig Lab Practical

Mrs. Winter’s 7th grade science class has been learning about body systems and the major organs of each and their roles and tasks in the body. The students are amazed to learn how impressive their bodily functions are! As a culmination of our body systems unit, students had to apply what they learned to a real organism. Some students dissected down the fetal pig specimens. Mrs. Winter labeled major organs and the students had to identify and answer questions about them in a lab practical. Pigs are a great mammalian model organism to show students what their organs look like and how they function in their bodies.

Simulated Blood

Mrs. Winter’s 7th grade science class has been learning about body systems. To see firsthand the components of blood in action, we created simulated blood in a tub. The expandable red water beads represented red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body, the ping pong balls were the white blood cells, the red foam platelets clot the blood and the water served as the plasma for the cells to travel in. The students enjoyed getting elbow deep in a tub of blood!
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Three Fairbury FBLA members advance to national competition following the 2016 FBLA Nebraska State Leadership Conference held April 7-9 in Omaha. The annual conference provided competition in 71 events, leadership training, networking, and fun for FBLA members across the state. Fairbury FBLA’s 15 qualifying members joined over 2800 Nebraska members and advisers to compete and celebrate another successful year in FBLA.

Throughout the leadership event, members participated in competitive events, motivational seminars, and the election of the new State Officer Team. Honorable Mention awards were announced at the second general session, recognizing those who placed in the top 4% of each event. The Awards Program held on Saturday morning announced the top eight winners in each event and revealed who would represent Nebraska FBLA at the National Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, this summer.

Seniors Halle Knigge and Lindsay Lee, and junior Justin Peterson presented the chapter’s American Enterprise project at the conference. This project profiled the chapter’s cookie baking business implemented with the 3rd-grade classrooms earlier in the school year. A 15-page report was submitted in February, which was one of five selected for oral presentation at SLC. A seven-minute oral overview and Power Point were presented to a panel of three judges at the conference. The combined score of their written report and oral presentation placed third to advance to the top competition at the 2016 National Leadership Conference in June.

Freshman Isaac Robertson won the Proofreading event and placed third in the Spelling contest.  Sophomore Jacob Johnson earned fifth place in the Spelling event. Junior Hannah Yantz placed fifth in Publication Design.  Senior Nick Christiansen placed eighth in Job Interview. Over 337 students competed in this event, placing Nick in the top 2% of this event. Lindsay Lee received honorable mention in Accounting I and junior Justin Peterson earned an honorable mention in Securities and Investments.

Nick Christiansen, Trent Grizzle and Jacob Johnson earned the chapter’s Gold Seal Award of Merit with their Local Chapter Annual Business Report. Fairbury FBLA received the prestigious Sweepstakes Award, representing active participation in the state’s program of work. The chapter also received recognition for contributing to the Nebraska FBLA Foundation and the Nebraska March of Dimes.  Fairbury FBLA was also honored for their participation in the Feed Nebraska Project through their food drive in the fall and integration of technology in chapter activities throughout the year.

Fairbury chapter members attending were: Seniors:  Nick Christiansen, Lindsay Lee, Halle Knigge; Juniors: Justin Peterson, Megg Vaughn, Hannah Yantz, Anthony Moyer; Sophomores: Dawson DeBoer, Trent Grizzle, Jacob Johnson and Freshman: Destiny Brown, Nichole Harris, Devin Holliday, Mikasa Lierman, and Isaac Robertson. Adviser Melissa Dux and parent-sponsor Julie Knigge accompanied the Fairbury delegation.

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