Shaye Stall Earns State Cross Country Medal

Shaye Stall ran a solid race on Friday, October 21, 2016 at the state cross country meet at Kearney Country Club.  Shaye earned a 12th place medal which is the first state medal for a Fairbury runner since 2007 where Cassie Leonard earned a 15th place medal.  Shaye ran the 5K course (3.1 miles) in 20:44.3, averaging 6:41 per mile.  This was an all time best time for Shaye on a very challenging course.  To get a P.R. and a medal at state is a huge accomplishment!  Congratulations to Shaye!

Emily Burkley ran a personal best time on the Kearney course, placing 34th with a time of 21:52.2, averaging 7:03 per mile.  With half a mile to go, Emily tripped and fell.  So it was a great feat to still get a personal best time on the course.  14713600_966741836804492_1849143043348545584_n 14732336_966859143459428_8291863084382035663_n 14724485_966934623451880_1152173335403024357_n 14691977_10157701067785118_8177206634842313307_o 14753845_10157701067815118_8069422899182300983_oCongratulations to both girls for representing FHS in a positive manner!

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