TeamMates Welcome Tom Osborne

In honor of the 25th anniversary of the TeamMates Mentoring Program & National Mentoring Month, the Fairbury TeamMates Chapter invites you to attend a celebration with a special appearance by Dr. Tom Osborne.   He will be the keynote speaker on Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 4 p.m. at the Burkley Fine Arts Center, Fairbury High School.

Golden Sower Reading Challenge

Congratulations to Mrs. Christiansen’s 5th grade class. Winners of the Nebraska Golden Sower Reading Challenge. They enjoyed decorating christmas cookies & watching a movie for their reading efforts. Good job & keep on reading.

NHS Selects New Members

The Fairbury Chapter of National Honor Society recently selected fourteen new members.  Membership in the National Honor Society is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student.  The National Honor Society has worked hard to bring the accomplishments of outstanding students to the attention of parents, teachers, peers and community.  Chapters in more than 12,500 high schools across the nation strive to give practical meaning to the Society’s goals of scholarship, leadership, service and character.  These four ideals have been considered as the basis for selection.  No student is inducted simply because of a high academic average.  The National Honor Society strives to recognize the total student: one who excels in all these areas.
On Thursday, December 15th, advisor Mrs. Julie Petersen said, “I am excited to work with this outstanding group of students.  With 29 members I look forward to activities this spring such as helping with Jump Rope For Heart at Central Elementary, assisting at the community food bank and running a blood drive with Nebraska Community Blood Bank.”
The formal induction ceremony will be held at the Fairbury High School Burkley Fine Arts Center on Tuesday, January 17, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.
Previous members Emily Burkley, Seth Griger, Jacob Johnson, Macy Ohlde, Britney Scheetz, Evie Schwab, Jolie Scott, Paul Mach, Patrick Ondrak, Justin Peterson, Hannah Yantz, Jonathan Engelman, Megg Vaughn, Madison Black and Althea Esteller welcome new members Dawson DeBoer, Destiny Brown, Isaac Robertson, Jayson Klaumann, Joy Ondrak, Marah Shumard, McKenzie Layton, Michaela Buchli, Mikasa Lierman, Nichole Harris, RJ Suey, Taylea Mills, Tayler Shellhase and Toriann Likens.
Fairbury can be extremely proud of these students!  #JeffPride

Two Schools One Cause

Two schools came together for one cause. The cause, to raise awareness and support our students that deal with the chronic, lifelong disease of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). On December 6th, Fairbury Public Schools and Superior Public Schools participated in the Gray Out to raise awareness for the students with T1D during the girls and boys basketball games at Fairbury High School.

This was the 3rd annual Gray Out sponsored by The IN Group and the Fairbury FCCLA. The IN Group, is a type 1 diabetic support group, that works to support families of students with T1D, while raising awareness of the disease, raising money to help the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation find a cure and support kids with camp scholarships.

This was the first Gray Out for Derek Anderson, Assistant Principal/AD for FHS, “I was impressed with the support of individuals and businesses from both communities as we united to find a cure,” he stated. “It was great to see gray shirts filling the gym and a great environment to play basketball games.”

There are currently six students at Fairbury Public Schools and one student at Superior Public School with T1D. They range in age from 3rd grade to 11th grade. One of the students was diagnosed at the age of three.  

Between the girls and boys varsity games The IN Group and Superior Public Schools presented checks to Laura Eberly, Development Coordinator for JDRF in Lincoln, to further research to hopefully one day find a cure.  

“We are grateful for the community of Fairbury to support such a wonderful cause that hits so close to home,” Eberly said. “With having 6 students living with Type 1 Diabetes, the IN Group has made tremendous achievements in funding T1D research and spreading awareness of the disease.”

The students and their families were overwhelmed with all of the support. Over $2000 were raised through business sponsors, t-shirt sales, 50/50 raffle, and the halftime shoot for a buck games.

Type 1 Diabetes happens when the body destroys its own cells that make insulin. Insulin is a hormone that everyone needs in order to get energy from the food they eat. Our bodies need insulin to survive.

T1D usually starts in childhood; however, adults can get it too. No one knows what causes T1D to happen or how to prevent it from happening.

Insulin is NOT a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. It is the person’s life support.

Fairbury FFA Members Awarded New FFA Jacket

The Nebraska FFA Foundation was pleased to present Jason Hughes, Jared Engelman, and Sara Huss of the Fairbury FFA Chapter their very own FFA jacket.  These students were one of 265 students selected statewide as part of the Nebraska FFA Foundation’s “Blue Jacket Bright Futures” program.

“All of us who have been FFA members understand the excitement of putting on your blue jacket for the fit time and wearing it proudly as you represent your chapter and state.  You wear that jacket with pride to many events and competitions as an FFA member, :said Stacey Agnew, Executive Director of the Nebraska FFA Foundation.  “FFA jackets are costly and this is a great way for deserving students to apply and be selected to receive a jacket.  This program rewards and encourages members who are eager to continue Nebraska’s outstanding FFA tradition.”

This year’s program brought in nearly 600 applications from members across the state and of all ages.  “This is one of the bigger responses we’ve had for this program yet,” Agnew said.  “We are excited to see them wear their jackets with pride, representing an outstanding legacy of youth in agriculture.”

Agricultural educators, former state officers, FFA officer teams, and other generous contributors have come forward to support the annual campaign. Contact Stacey Agnew at 402-472-5846 or for questions.  

The mission of the Nebraska FFA Foundation is to enhance quality agricultural education/FFA programs in order to achieve excellence in leadership development, curriculum innovation and scholastic advancement of students.  

November Junior High Students of the Month

Students of the month for November include:  Seventh graders are Makenzie Mills and Rorik Blatny.  Eighth graders are Kacy Starck and Kyle Gregory.  Congratulations to these students!  They were nominated by their teachers based on classroom behaviors, attitude and work ethic.

Learning by Moving in Algebra 1

The eighth grade algebra 1 class practiced graphing equations by moving on a large coordinate plane in the mezzanine.  On the pictures you will see the graph of y=-x.  Then they tried to all be in the air for a picture.  The photographer (teacher) had difficulty getting a good picture of it!  They enjoyed the activity.img_0033 img_6245

Students Practice Parallelogram Theorems

Geometry students practiced nine new parallelogram theorems today.  A rope with sixteen knots gave students an individual location.  Mrs. Julie Petersen shared a theorem and students had to create it with the rope.  Then they were able to double check sides and angles, fulfilling expectations.
As a bonus to this activity, the class was able to talk about leadership skills.  Who was a vocal leader?  Who had ideas but was not confident to share?  What happens if someone’s idea didn’t work?  Is it important to be a good listener?
Allowing students to interact with geometry properties deepens their understanding and aids in long-term memory.
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Students Selected for Fall Festival of Winds

Four Fairbury High School Students were selected to participate in the Doane University Fall Festival of Winds on Saturday, November 5, 2016. Students were placed in one of three honor bands, rehearsed from 9a.m.-2:45p.m. and then performed a final concert at Doane’s Heckman Auditorium. Those chosen from Fairbury were Ashley Griffee, flute; Seth Griger, alto saxophone; Isaac Robertson, trumpet; and Zacc Snyder, trombone.

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